Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 1 March 2005. Present: Art Olin (AO), Chris Ruiz (CR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Dario Gigliotti (DG),Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Jac Caggiano (JC),John D'Auria (JDA), Jonty Pearson (JP), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Peter Machule (PM),Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. Minutes from previous meeting not available. 1. ED1 Status: Discussion of the removal of ED1 Anode stack insulator (blue Nylon). PM - Potential insulator replacement (black PE) pumps down okay with stack inside. Ready to go. JDA, DH - Go slowly. We should involve Naimat Khan. We should clearly understand the necessary steps before we vent. MT and PM will make a list of the necessary steps. All are invited to participate in the removal, inspection and possible replacement. Suggestions welcome. DFOT - Instead of replacing, we could put the blue Nylon insulator on a lathe and turn it down. DH - Would prefer to change it; it would be quicker. JDA - If the black PE works, we should order another one. 2. Beam Interceptor DFOT - Only one piece is missing. Need less than a day to complete then can start vacuum testing. Will put some pressure on Tommy who is rebuilding a TP that we should have by the end of the week. 3. DRAGON CSB DFOT, CV - Have foils and inserter. Need to test foil integrity under pumpdown. Plan to test this week. 5. Leaking Quad DH - Quad5 is still weeping. It is the insulating connection, not the coil. Bruce Keeley "gooped" it which slows the leak. Fixing is a huge job. 6. Strip Detector Electronics CV - Now have the back strips fully implemented. Changed the cables. One module has a burnt capacitor; replaced with backup from Detector lab. In the preamp box, resistors were found to be overheated. Will test and compare to the backup from the Detector lab. 7. DAQ JP - Busy debugging the last of Joel Roger's stuff in VXWorks. There was a bug that intermittently caused crashes but was hard to trace. Hopeful that it is solved. 8. Schedule DH - Hope to get some 23Na beam Monday and Tuesday of next week to check out DRAGON. Perfect resonance at 312keV/u. We will run 20Ne from 17 March to 20 March. DH and MT will put together a game plan. JDA - Which detector to start with? Probably DSSSD, but IC is also ready to go. JDA has ordered a new DSSSD. 9. 23Na Run JC - The rastering of beam across the targets worked well. Significant electron production from beam striking collimator plate discovered Sunday. Since it gave a negative current offset, we probably were not totally off target on our sweeps; consequently, we will probably see a "batman" profile of 23Na in the targets. DFOT - We have been assigned a draftsman to help with the design/modification of a chamber to hold x-y target manipulators needed for mapping out 23Na profile in the targets with proton beam. 10. OLIS Beams JDA - Pierre Bricault has asked for a list of desired stable beams, with intensity and projected timeframe. JDA will circulate a list by email for input. 11. 20Ne Setup DH - 20Ne(p,g) was one of the first reactions used in the commissioning of DRAGON. Over the years, much has been improved to our system, so we wish to repeat the measurement. This is doubly important in that we differ significantly from the accepted tabulated value and we think that our resonance strength is correct. We want to completely map out the excitation function, paying particular attention to beam normalization. Charge state distribution and various efficiencies also important. Include a random pulser? 12. Al Development CR - Stalled as no time yet available with OLIS. MT mentions that it would be useful to reassert our measurement plans for this summer and the necessary beam intensity, to counter grumbling heard in hallways. CR will prepare a concise summary of what intensity we need and what we will accomplish. DH - Important to distinguish that for 26gAl, the surface source is fine. Suppression of contaminants is more of an issue for 26mAl and 25Al and can be addressed at a later time. 13. Student News Chris Ouellet (McMaster Ph.D. student) will be coming for the summer. Has expressed interest in the 40Ca experiment, given that the timeframe for 25Al is unknown. Anuj Parikh (Yale Ph.D. student) will be coming to work on 26gAl. Bing GUo is here from China to work on E995. LB announces he has a student, Thomas Kirchner, coming in April. MT will coordinate seating and computers for the coming influx...