Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 29 June 2004. Present: Art Olin (AO), Cybele Jewett (CJ), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Jac Caggiano (JC), John D'Auria (JDA), Jonty Pearson (JP), Kathryn Oraas (KO), Mike Anderson (MA), Peter Machule (PM), Art Olin (AO), Mike Trinczek (MT), Marcello Pavan (MP), Dario Gigliotti (DG), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Andres Ruberg (AR) - recorder. 1. Corrections to Previous Minutes: Nobody seems to have read them, so we'll assume no corrections for the time being. 2. Track System: DFOT/DH - Can install system tomorrow. JDA - Be careful when pumping down IC as to not blow window. Put in DSSSD after installing track system. Use the one used in the last experiment. 3. Update of the (ongoing) Run CR - Not present but has report with graphs. See attached zip folder for details. Beam current is the problem. 150-160 epA on weekend and today around 60. We'll see one or two counts throughout the whole time at this intensity. 4. Background Discussion See Graphs from DH Is the ADC at fault? Something in the line is losing signal. DH - Background doesn't look horrendous JDA - We need a lot more beam. Perhaps the new target will be better. 5. Electronics JP - Things look ok. AO - Midas status page goes red. Fix has to be applied. Need to solve IC0 problem. Unknown how this is going to be fixed. Perhaps test with DSSSD and pulser at the same time. Talk to Chris about this. 6. Na-21 run CJ - Same plan as before. Start with charge state distributions. Plan attached as pdf. 7. NIC8 Conference JDA - Help is needed at the conference and beam will most likely be running at the same time. Students and others needed to pack bags. Need help with registration and handling microphones. Recruit students from other TRIUMF groups. MP - Highschool fellowship student might be able to help out. JDA - A possible schedual will be put together soon. 8. Stable Ne-21 run next Thursday and Friday DH - 275 keV stable beam is being run to retest Sabine's thesis. Use the old DSSSD with the broken wires. Maybe use diamond foil for this experiment? 9. Contamination of Al-26 beam with Al-26* and Na-26 AR - See attached documents for more details of calculations Should we do a charge state distribution run with the Al-26? Talk to Chris to see if he thinks this is worthwhile. AO - Why not use more accurate current integrators to get a better current reading. LB - FC4 is not good. Should get a better FC. If we want to switch to the more sensitive current readout system someone has to dedicate themselves to the task. No one initially willing to take this on. KO - Checking ratio of GeO detector data to EM0 and EM1. Also ratio of EM0 to EM1 which should be constant. Both show a lack of consistancy. Counts being dropped somewhere. Is there a temperature effect? Consensus: Too big a range of EM0/EM1. This ratio should really be independent of everything except for perhaps angle. Use pulser to tell us about the electronics? Check with scalars. 10. Use of time of flight (tof) information to distinquish recoils from leaky beam MA - SRIM calculations of Ion Chamber (attached documents). For hi-Energy Al-26 beam see element separation in anode 1 and anode 3. Time of flight information seems to be pretty useless. Commented that there is no gamma for the leaky beam particles therefore there should be no gaussian spread for these particles. MA can easily change simulation to account for this. CV - Local tof should be able to distinguish better than E difference between leaky beam and Si-27. Tof even better for distinguishing at low Energy. No kinematics taken into account in the attached diagrams. DH - Look at Ne-21 at 275 keV/u to test tof info?