Meeting started at 10:45 Present: John DÕAuria (JDA), Dave Hutcheon (DAH), Uwe Greife (UG), Dave Ottowell (DFOT), Jac Caggiano (JC), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Chris Ruiz (CR), Mike Trinczek (MT), Chris Wrede (CW), Bing Guo (BG), Peter Machule (PM), Art Olin (AO), Lisa Fogarty (LF), Heather Crawford (HC), Anuj Parikh (AP), Thomas Kirchner (TK), Catherine Duebel (CD), Benji Wales (BW) - recorder. 2. Business arising from minutes from June 21, 2005 meeting: JD: Words on tuning instructions have been changed 3. DRAGON Hardware: JAH: A strip on the dsssd detector is showing noise. Most likely from the electronics. JD: 2 day maintenance. Creates walking obstruction. AO inquires whether the interceptor is worth revisiting. DAH notes that leakies got through what was a prudent opening, but checking the interceptorÕs effects wouldnÕt take long. JD says there isnÕt a lot of time to test this and that we should stick with the set-up that weÕve been running with for so long. JD also suggests to look at first few runs for insight into the decision on the interceptor. CR points out that the mcp is very noisy. CV explains that this problem is beam related, and could be some of the channels of the mcp. He assures that itÕs nothing to worry about as it only effects the scalers. He also suggests that you could lower the voltage but it would drop the efficiency 30%. 4. E989 Status: Run Analysis: CR: (in reference to CR_Plots_1 & CR_Plots_2) All the runs that seem to have possible candidates are in the right time of flight region. Expecting between 7000-8000 on x-axis. (in reference to CR_Plots_3) Black lines survived TOF cut; green lines are raw coincidence events. (in reference to CR_Plots_4) Ones on low energy side are reasonably well separated. (in reference to CR_Plots_5 & CR_Plots_6) Notes that there is a huge peak at 1.8MeV and that most should line up around 2-3 MeV. CR concludes that he has found 7 coincidence events. He also notes that, taking into account downtime, 8 counts is what he expects for true events thus far. DAH: (in reference to DAH_Plots_1) Dsssd x vs y plot. First with 1500 ns cut on TOF in an area not expecting true events; second with 150 ns cut on TOF around an area expecting true events. ThereÕs a lot of accidentals in left field, but they are removed with the tight cut. (in reference to DAH_Plots_2) Plots radial distance (in strips squared) against RF. Good events are well defined while accidentals have no correlation. Good events are circled; others, though centered, have bad timing. (in reference to DAH_Plots_3) Plots the position in the target against timing (y-axis: positive is downstream, negative is upstream). Accidentals have strong upstream bias. DAH concludes that there are of order 8 coincidence events. JD says we should have two independent analysis. He wants to know if the events in both CR and DAHÕs results are the same events. JD also wants two full analysis teams. DAH says that he has nothing against having students as temporary partners. JD announces that HC and LF are working on beam statistics by looking at Faraday cups before and after run. They will be determining characteristics such as steadiness, reliability, reproducibility, etc. LF puts up chart (LF_HC_Plots_1) and notes on the similarity between the mass slit / FC4 ratio between the runs. UW comments that the mass slit might change while focusing through the target. DAH brings up Shawn BishopÕs thesis which contains formulas that relate SB rate to beam energy among other things. JD assigns CR to check prescaler on elastics. Discussion of off-resonance running: JD asks if DRAGON should do off-resonance running. DAH suggests that we might want to sacrifice good stuff and move farther away. CR wonders how long we will have to run until we can say we donÕt get any coincidence. JAC raises the idea of doing as much on-resonance work now and then do the other stuff in the fall. JD and DAH say that a strong case for such a run would have to be made -- need to get strong arguments together. AO notes that if the stats on the background arenÕt good enough, which is likely, then weÕll have to fight in the fall any ways. JD states that no decision on this topic has to be made right now, but to just keep it in the back of our minds. 5. AOB: JAC explains that 2 day maintenance is really 1 day beam development and 1 day maintenance. As a result, he wonÕt be able to get into the room until 5 this evening. He wants to know if it will leak when they cool it to 77 Kelvin.He mentions that he wants to go with 30kV as there seems to be a much lower chance of sparking. DAH notes that when recovering from a spark, 26Na blips occur. JAC says that on Monday, when CR is done, heÕll switch to Na. This isnÕt on the schedule. LB gives thorough summary of the talks at the conference in Romania. Meeting ended at 12:22