June 14, 2005, 10:45 am Minutes for DRAGON meeting Present: JDA, CR, JP, PM, CO, TK, HC, LF, BW, MT, BG, CV, DH, DO, GR, JC, AP (recorder) JDA welcomes summer student Lisa Fogarty from NUI (National University of Ireland). 1. Minutes of June 7, 2005 meeting: no changes 2. Business arising from the minutes: JDA comments that he really likes ELog, and that it should be used extensively for the upcoming 26Al run. CR has a list of tasks that should be completed by those on each shift - notes regarding these items should be entered into ELog. 3. DRAGON hardware: Regarding issues from last week's minutes: DH says that fixing the problem with the BCM indicators in EPICS (ie slow updating of the meters) is 'pending'. The mystery number at the bottom corner of the EPICS Scaling page has been removed. A problem is arising with the vacuum gauge readback in EPICS during pump down (ie at lowest pressures). DO adds that the problem is also present when venting: the gauge readback jumps from 30 torr to 770 torr and turns red. This is of concern as we don't really know when we are vented. This issue arises with all the convection gauges. DH suspects this is an EPICS problem, and comments that these gauges are very non-linear devices. JC recommends linear gauges be installed - ie standard 30 mm gauges. 4. Stable beams CR says no results yet for the 27Al run. Effective offline analysis methods using DragonRoot are in development. JDA says we had as much as 2 uA of 26Mg on Monday. Marco tuned as far as the bunch rotator, but as this had not been conditioned, he stopped for the evening. 5. Radioactive beam HC has calibrations of the NaI and Ge detectors, and will upload her results to the ELog. JP will put the Ge energy calibration online. CR will give training sessions using MIDAS diagnostic tools when we get 26Mg attenuated beam. JDA explains a major problem that has arisen: Rick B. says that he doesn't believe more than 20-25 uA can be run on the high-power target, now sitting in the west target station! (The high power target doesn't work optimally below 50 uA.) This limit on beam intensity is because of a collimator before the target in the beamline (earlier yield measurements at 60 uA had taken place in east target beam line. The collimator is slightly larger). The west beam line collimator limits may be arbitrary. It is not clear how good the cooling of the collimator is. Drawings of the beamline/collimator geometry have been requested and various ISAC and TRIUMF will discuss and resolve the problem. This could be a MAJOR problem! CR presents a draft run plan and list of tasks to be completed on each shift. It is attached here, and posted in the counting room. MT asks if there is enough disk space for the run; JP believes there is. CR and AP will take runs and analyse them as they occur. JDA says to be very careful of the DSSSD detector. CR recommends closing the valve between the MCP and the DSSSD and looking at the rate on the MCP before opening up to the DSSSD. JP advises monitoring the temperature of the 'end rack' of electronics (TDCs and ADCs). There is a digital thermometer and a fan there: > 40 deg. C is hot! If power outages occur, look online for instructions. JDA says we can ask Operations to provide access to an EPICS visual showing the proton beam intensity. We will have mini-meetings in the counting room as needed during the run. CR notes that refilling the Ge detector during weekdays will be handled by students, while on weekends, those on day shifts. 6. AOB CO says that the ion chamber is OK, and just needs reassembling. JC brandishes a metal plate. He says the plate is part of the apparatus to be used in intense implantations (200 uCi max) of 22Na in three targets. Installation of the apparatus will occur during the two day maintenance interruption on June 28-29, and the actual implantation may occur soon after the end of the 26Al run. People at the University of Washington have 'all of a sudden' found an ion implanter - future implantations can occur there, perhaps. Meeting concluded at 11:30 pm.