Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting 12 June, 2007 Present: DO,CD,DH,MI,AG,LB,CR,MT,PM,CV,GR,PW -Minutes of the 5 June DRAGON Meeting were approved with no chages 1) Hardware -Conditioning -- going on but more painfully than usual (DH). E1 160 kV, E2 119 kV (at meeting time, ~15:00?). First conditioning since 2006. Rolf K. should be asked about possible changes to the network. Try to have DRAGON ready by the weekend for TUDA experiment. -IC preps. -- not much to do. Testing of gas alarms in gas shack -- Wednesday (CR liaison). CR & CV to change analyzer. -charge slits: The width is not accurate but the position is. ``We will go backwards if we try to take them apart.'' (DO) 2) Alpha tests The students reproduced the CR measurements but the max. count rate was somewhat higher. Some mistuning increases count rate. Everything that was inserted (BCMs etc) let stuff leak around. 3) 40Ca draft (CV) Paper has been circulated to a large group of people. Getting comments back from all. Submit to PRC? Some parts may be cut. Some discussion of other possible changes. CV plans to submit paper by the end of the month. 4) 22Na Cryopump missing a few critical parts (PM). Safety Group not clear on what is required by them for shipping. DO may have to contact UWash Rad. Safety Officer. Pump is `in the box'. UWash might have some similar pieces (PM). Ion gauges ordered on Friday (PM). 5) Lifetime experiment (GR) 198Au decay data out to ~600000 s. Two detectors with 137Cs and 133Ba (external?) ref. sources. Found that higher p.h. peaks hide lower p.h. peaks in same gate. This creates an additional dead time correction. Gate is about 16 microseconds.