DRAGON group minutes 10 Jun 2008 Present: CV, CR, DO, DH, LB, LE, SF, PM, PB, UH (rec) Run E810: * lost BGO coincidences - The signal from the BGOs was 10 ns long, it should be longer. It has know been changed to 300 ns. With this signal, in a background run with random coincidences 17 out of 238000 coincidences were lost. - A pulser could be used during the run to check for lost coincidences. The pulser signal should go into the scaler and both triggers. * IC window - There have been problems with leaking windows. New windows were glued with a fresh batch of fresh epoxy, and seem to be tight. - The IC window possibly charges up during a run causing small discharges. A possible solution would be to coat the window with aluminium. CV will look into that. * MCP foils: - There is a spare foil for MCP1 (large foil) stored on top of MD2 - A spare foil for MCP0 will have to be floated (CV, UH, LE) * offline analysis: - The analysis will be done in DragonRoot and carpere - carpere supports the fit functions built into Root * efficiency of the MCP-IC setup - The transmission of the MCP foils was measured to be 78%, which is close to the calculated 77% * Ge detector - The Ge detector has been set up and cooled down. - The fill cycle is 3-4 days, SF will keep track of it and keep it cooled. - Calibrations will be done with various sources. The relevant energy range is ~400-500 keV * NaI detectors - The NaI detectors are fixed in position. - The calibration was done with 22Na. The efficiency is ~0.22% * attenuator - The attenuator was not centred during the last run, which probably affected the transmission. - A factor 100 attenuation was added. The attenuator is now back in place. * elastic monitor - SB0 showed strange spectra during the last run. It was tested in a dark box and found to be ok. - The cables should be checked. * gas target - The gas target is in place, the right appertures are in, the roots are running. * BGOs - The BGO calibration will be done when cooled down. - A second temperature gauge should be installed in the DRAGON area * GEANT - CR is writing an input file with all the relevant levels and branching ratios. He will also put some instructions on the web. * run plan The E810 run plan can be found under http://dragon.triumf.ca/runplan.html * Q1/Q2 alignment The quads might be moved again, using the stable beam transmission as control. The dial gauges would be needed for that. Logbooks: - The DRAGON elog is for analysis etc. - Paper logs should be kept to write down what you do as you do it. - These notes should then be put into the MIDAS logbook Na22: - CR asked permission from remote handling to use the fume hood, it will be set up for Wednesday morning - The Ortec 672 has arrived and will be send to Seattle. AOB: - CR submitted a stage 2 proposal for 18F(p,g) as the required intensity was reached during the recent TUDA run.