DRAGON Minutes - 10 June 2003 Present ======= CJ, LB, PM, CR, CW, AL, AO, ML, SB, DG, ZL, PJ, AB, JK, CG, DO Recorder: AL - Previous minutes accepted HARDWARE ======== - Wobbler tests may go ahead on Friday - One cryopump is 'clunking' - PM will check - ED's currently conditioning - Solid target finished mechanically 12C(a,g) ======== - ZL discussed his simulation results, showing again that the recoil energy asymmetry cannot be explained by the beam being off centre - LB showed some calculations (see attached) Data is compared with simulation for 4+ resonance. Events are being lost on the low energy side. An opening angle cut cannot explain this. Same for lower 2+ but more enhanced asymmetry at low recoil energy side (simulation was normalised to high energy side). - CR confirmed that this asymmetry is also seen in the 13C(p,g) data. 21Na(p,g) ========= - SB showed results from the 460 keV resonance (see attached). There are two 'good runs' but the dead time for both is 80%. With energy and RF cut, approx 30 events identified. However, there is no peak in the recoil TOF spectrum. These events could be due to insertion of FC as was case at 560 keV. SB will check this. Also, 'good' events are at edge of DSSSD not in middle.