Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 7 June 2005. Present: Anuj Parikh (AP), Bing Guo (BG), Benji Wales (BW), Chris Ruiz (CR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Heather Crawford (HC), Jac Caggiano (JC), John D'Auria (JDA), Peter Machule (PM), Thomas Kirchner (TK), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Corrections to Minutes from previous meeting: DH - Item 1.1 - Found the leak in the front end and fixed it. DH - Item 1.1 - Both FCM and FCF have the wrong polarity. DH - Item 2.2 - Did not state "Beam is ours for next 2 weeks!" and it is not true. 2. Use of eLog: JDA - Reluctantly admits that it has potential and seems to be working, BUT people must write in detail - CR is the paradigm to be emulated. 3. IC Status: CR - The grid is repaired. JC - What is the entrance harp wire size? They should be as small as possible to reduce scattering. Suggests using gold-plated W of 1 thou thickness. It could also be used to support the polypropylene window. CV will address and order more SiN window material. 4. DRAGON Hardware: JDA - Are the FCs okay? Many have noticed that FCF is sticky and requires its control cable to be temporarily removed and interlocks fiddled. BW (with CR's help) will document and post to the web a corrective procedure. JC - On Friday, FC1 was reading funny CR - It appears okay now. People should be aware of potential misreadings. 5. Controls: CR - Sometimes BCMs freeze up in EPICS. Has screencaptures of BCM3 and BCM5 to prove. DH will talk to ISAC Controls group. CV - The EPICS Scaling page is hard to use. Many find it illogical. DH - Perhaps a new philosophy is needed (and this will take time to implement) but it does work IF one follows the instructions on the webpage and one does NOT think. AO is needed for this discussion. DH will remove tempting little number in corner of page (left over from debugging?) which, when changed, has insidious effects. 6. MCP: AP - The delay between the MCP and DSSSD changes the width of the TAC, i.e., the TOF resolution. JC and AP will address. JC - There is also trouble with spurious output from the Ge detector, ruining the heavy-ion trigger. Will investigate. HC and AP will calibrate the detector. 7. Training: JDA - At minimum, HC, BW and TK need training sessions. Others may also join. CR will coordinate. DH will show how to close the DRAGON fences. 8. CR Report of (pre) Al Run: From Saturday to Monday morning we ran 27Al(6+) at 209 keV/u from OLIS. Had lots of beam (45 enA at FC4) and tuned for 4+ recoils. Saw no coincidences due to overwhelming leaky beam. AP will try to pull out coincidences from the data. On Monday, we had 24Mg at 227 keV/u. OLIS can produce ~.5mcA which we attenuate down to 6.5 enA at FC4. Started with 4+ recoils and saw coincidences right away. Can also see 5+ and 3+ recoils. Measured charge state distribution of the beam: 4+ 45% 5+ 18% 3+ 25% Noticed that the leaky beam rate increases with lowering charge state. Run with 4+ because it is the most populated. Coincidence rate is ~5 cpm; close to Sabine's numbers. **We can NOT vent OLIS because Keerthi has no more Mg to add. Do NOT let anyone vent OLIS** Why is the leaky beam for Mg much smaller (one tenth?) than that for Al? The Al tune must not be as good... Students are responsible for filling the Ge detector each day. Fence needs to be set up in anticipation of radioactive beam. Need to figure out next week's startup: Yield measurements, Accelerator tuning, Personnel schedule, ... 9. AOB PM - The spare, black ED1 insulating tube tested okay; held 60 psi for 1 hour. JDA - At the CAP, Kubono (U. Tokyo) makes 10e5 to 10e6 of 14O using 14N(p,n)14O with a windowed gas target. 10. Room switch: Too many conflicts to schedule MOB Conference Room; will stay in Board Room.