Minutes of DRAGON Meeting June 6, 2006. Present: Lothar Buchmann, Charles Davis, Dave Hutcheon, Peter Machule, Dave Ottewell, Evan O'Conner, Jonathan Pearson, Chris Ruiz, Goetz Ruprecht, Mike Trinczek, Christof Vockenhuber, Joel Zylberberg, Ahmed Hussein. (recorder) 1.Meeting called to order at 2:00pm. 2.Minutes of May 30, 2006 meeting approved unchanged. 3.Christof presented preliminary result of charge state distribution for 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti reaction. There is evidence of pressure-dependence, probably due to more He gas leaking behind the SiN foil at higher pressures. Results are consistent so should allow correct calculation of Ti charge states. 4.12C(alpha,gamma) paper was discussed and Lothar will send a draft to the collaboration for comments soon.. 5.Recoil charge state distributions from 12C(alpha,gamma). DaveH has extracted C beam distributions from the May runs at reduced gas pressures and Joel has redone the calculation of recoil 6+/5+ ratios. The lose-the-He-electrons prescription now is consistent with our data, but still underestimates somewhat the 6+ fractions seen by ERNA. 6. Announcements: There will be DRAGON presentations at the CAP congress next Week, on 26gAl(p,gamma) and 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti. June 12, 2006 is the deadline for submitting proposals to EEC: at least two proposals involve DRAGON. The 26Al(p,gamma) paper has been accepted in Phys. Rev. Letters. 7.Items for next week meeting: report on possible reactions of interest? 8.Meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm.