Minutes of DRAGON meeting July 31, 2007 ======================================= Meeting began at 13:30pm in the TRIUMF Board Room. (Unusual to accomodate a later meeting with ILC director) Present: DH (recorder), CV, CR, AG, PM, MJ, PB, LB 1. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted without change. 2. Hardware/software PM: the separator roughing pump was heard on Sunday to be making a squeaky noise. Info was eventually passed to PM. The noise is intermitent and high-pitched. This pump should have been turned off right after it was used for roughing, so as not to hasten the time when an expensive overhaul is due. We have a spare pump, in a crate to the east of the gas target. PB: may be seeing viscosity breakdown? CR: the Mesytek VM4 HV unit, which was being considered as a replacement for the old Ortec Si detector bias supply, would cost $5k. This is too much for what we need in a power supply. We will carry on with the one working supply which we have. Next week we should get a new computer downstairs, replacing the old, slow one by the gas target controls rack. Should we use VME ADCs/TDCs for the back-end detectors? KO of the DAQ group has offered a VME TDC and we already own ADCs. LADD are also offering ADCs. Conclusion: we should upgrade, but wait for the next major break in use of the DAQ system. DAQ software: KO will work on tidying up the DRAGON ROOT. CR and CV to meet with KO next month. PM: Mitutoyo job is not quite the "10-minute task" alluded to at a previous meeting. It turns out there is a risk of losing calibration (needing the theodolite to be set up to ensure the old calib'n was restored) so the alignment job will not be done until after the current alpha particle runs are done. The cables can and will be re-draped without affecting the alpha runs. 3. Schedule Gordon Ball has asked if DRAGON's September beam time could be shifted to August, to give more time for installation of Supernanogam on OLIS. UG would not be available in August, but rest of the local DRAGON contingent should be except for LB. Readiness of TUDRAGON for tests with modified target/detectors isn't clear; DH will contact DO at his vacation home for more info. 4. Alpha tests (AG) There has been a scan of Y Charge slits, the counting rate at the end of DRAGON showing a plateau about 10 mm tall for both the standard Q1 setting and with 5% mod. of Q1. If the tune gives an image of the source at YSLITC, this would imply a source size ~3 mm. The scan at YM has just been completed, results not plotted up yet. 5. Solar cells (CR) Drawings are in the Machine Shop and mounting pieces should be made by August 14th give/take 2 days. Edinburgh are shipping a 50-way feed-through. Electronics Shop is working on the cabling. 6. 22Na(p,g) (CR) Seattle people have vacuum tested the target box (without shroud and with the hole for the LN2 tank blanked off) and the cryo pump. They may be ready to start tests with 23Na targets in about 1.5 months. CR will visit them next week. 7. Schedule, again We want to: complete current round of alpha tests; make a vibrating-wire measurement on Q1/Q2; do runs with beam. We aim for the following: alpha tests until August 10; vibrating wire until August 17; ready for beam (if necessary) August 21. Sneak preview of the draft Fall/Winter schedule showed two ISAC target development periods, one with SiC target + TRILIS and the other with SiC target + FEBIAD. Meeting ended at 14:20