Minutes of DRAGON Meeting on July 30, 2002 Present: Shawn Bishop, Mohan Lal Chatterjee, John D'Auria(Chair), Jennifer Fallis, Dario Gigliotti, Ahmed Hussein(recorder), Cybele Jewett, Michael Lamey, Suzzi Lapi, Peter Machule, Art Olin, Chris Wrede. Minutes of July 27, 2002 meeting was approved. JD enquired about the number of IC window foils that are available and he will contact Cary David to see if they have some thin material. ML reported on the last MCP test. The DSSSD was ruined during this test in spite of following the proper procedure. Lengthy discussion followed. There was, however, no conclusion regarding why the DSSSD was ruined. JD requested that an inventory of all DSSSDs be conducted. A new DSSSD will be ordered soon. (note added after the event: It was discovered that the power for NIM bin supplying the signals for the voltmeter in the Counting room was OFF?.unplugged) PM is working on repairing the ED2?s noisy cryo-pump. JD reported that the forthcoming run on August 8, might be delayed due to some work in progress on the OLIS source, i.e., installation of parts of surface source. CJ reported on the plan for the August 8 run. The plan is to measure using IC as the detection system at the focal plane: * Charge state distribution of recoils * Recoil/leaky beam separation in ion chamber * Beam suppression of separator * For the charge state distribution the velocity of the recoils (or E/A) should be the relevant number. Thus it is possible to mimic the radioactive beam reaction with 21Ne (p, gamma) 22Na at similar velocities. Resonances are available at: 432.9 keV/u 19 meV 504.2 keV/u 140-200 meV 813.2 keV/u 290-370 meV 846.5 keV/u 340-540 meV AO suggested that, if these resonances are well known then they can be added to the energy calibration database. CJ will present a detailed plan for the run in next week?s meeting. There was some discussion on the availability of electronics and data acquisition software. JD invited SL to report on the procedure being developed for the production of 15O beams. DG presented results of a simulation for the gamma array response to 6, 16 and 20 MeV gamma rays. (see attached figure). There was some discussion on the possibility of publishing the 822 keV resonance data without reporting the width of the resonance. There was no definite conclusion. JD informed the group that a request for two beam time periods from September to November was submitted. The beams requested are 21Na for E824 and 19Ne for E811. JD also expressed his concern regarding the available manpower.