July 29th, 2003 DRAGON Minutes Present: Dave Hutcheon (DAH), Mike Lamey (ML), Aaron Bebington (AB), Mike Anderson (MA), Uwe Greife (UG), Chris Ruiz (CR), Zhihong Li (ZL), Cassi Galt (CG), Alison Laird (AL), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Anthony Olivieri (ATO), Dario Gigliotti (DG), Cybele Jewett (CJ), Joel Rogers (JR), Ahmed Hussein (AH), John D’Auria (JDA), Sabine Enges (SE), Peter Machule (PM), James Kennedy (JK) Corrections to Previous Minutes: Spelling and grammatical errors, and Sean Bishop's name should be removed from the list of people doing 21Na(p,g)22Mg. So far, only Sabine has done this analysis. Hardware Status: DH - The solid target ladder is hard to mount, due to the O-ring, but is ready to go. - An order has been put in for a pumping tube with a new aperture. UG - Stopping power measurements have been completed, using helium on helium and helium on hydrogen. The helium on helium results agreed with previously published results. A potential difference in effective length was seen for different apertures. The previous number was believed to be 12.4 cm. Now UG has found 12.9 cm and DH 13.5 cm. The exact number will be calculated later. ML - We have some 10- and 20- mg/cm^2 carbon foils for the solid target. - MCP has been tested, using 20Ne at 400KeV/u to check the timing between the MCP and DSSSD. There used to be two timing peaks, but after removing an inverter only one peak was seen. The hardware, amplifiers and cables, should be modified to improve the timing. The MCP will be further tested over the next couple of weeks. 12C(a,g)16O acceptance problems: JR - GIOS is being used to check the standard tune of the separator, to see if moving the charge focus downstream might soften the acceptance problem. Using GIOS, the size of the beam can be found after each component, and checked against the actual beampipe size. For the defining reaction, 15O(a,g)19Ne, the beam is uncomfortably large at ED1. The beam gets larger at this point for the 12C(a,g)16O. Using the algorithm that created the standard tune, but with the 12C(a,g) reaction, creates a different standard tune, with a more comfortable envelope at ED1. The next step is moving the charge focus downstream and seeing the effect on the beam size at all the components, including in the second stage. CR - GEANT has been modified further, with more beampipes and collimators added. A reaction specific file has been added, so that the simulation can be easily changed over to a different reaction. The next step will be to run high statistic simulations, to look for asymmetries and where recoils are being lost in the separator. BGO efficiency: DG - An AmBe source has been used to measure the BGO efficiency, and check a simulation of the BGO array. The source was placed on top of the target box, and the BGO array pulled back 30cm. The photopeaks were measured, corrected for the source strength according to two sources: –Marion and Yuone, and a GEANT simulation previously tested. These corrected photopeak efficiency measurements were then compared against the array simulation with identical geometry. The average results seem to agree well, but systematic errors seem to be present. In the east array, detectors 12-30 show consistently low efficiencies, with an odd pattern. In the west array, all the calculated efficiencies are too high. The simulation will be further checked, and other sources will be used to test this again. CJ - The 160 data has been analyzed using NOVA, to obtain a number for the BGO array efficiency. The coincident recoil spectra was used to find energy cuts that are then applied to the singles spectra, and the ratio of good gammas to good recoils was used to get an estimate of the BGO efficiency. The numbers seem a little low. It's possible that a broad resonance of unknown strength may be interfering with the low energy data. It is also possible the threshold settings could have an effect. Going further with this analysis could give another measured value against whick to check the gamma array simulation. Further analysis will be conducted, in PAW as well as NOVA.