Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 17 July 2007. Present: Aaron Gallant (AG), Chris Ruiz (CR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Chuck Davis (CD), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Peter Machule (PM), Uwe Greife, Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 0. Previous minutes: Approved. 1. Hardware: PM - Power bump (or something) overnight. ED1 off but vacuum recovered, albeit slowly. Gas target alignment is okay - same as before. Where is the Hardware Logbook?? CR - Curious about the Mitutoyo Drive status. Want it working as the slits are needed for alpha tests. DFOT is away for 3 weeks, though local; CR will contact him. CV - Water cooling for the turbos on the Gas Target not on/working? Not related to the "power bump". PM will investigate. CR - isdaq04 getting changed over this week. Konstantin has new machine in the LE CR for us to test. It will be needed for the alpha tests. 2. Report on X-Ray Burst mini-workshop: CR (and Barry) attended the mini-workshop at the INT in Seattle. Goal was to have interaction between Observers<->Theorists<->Experimentalists. CR has summarized his impressions in Attachment 1. The talks may be viewed at: http://www.int.washington.edu/talks/WorkShops/int_07_2a/ 3. Plans for alpha tests: Use BCM (without compressed air) to step detector through different positions. Compare acceptance to GEANT to help decide where to start with the solar cells. CR met with Don Dale about the solar cells and work proceeds. Plan to repurpose some TUDA ribbon-cable connectors to get the signals out. 4. Stable Beam requests: It is hoped to have Mg and Na beams in September (we have 5 days before the mini-shutdown) to test the separation of contaminants in the IC; CV has done a simulation. CR will take care of submitting the necessary paperwork. 5. AOB: Discussion about the possible removal of the SFU Trailers (PM's home and work area) by TRIUMF. CR suggest cleaning up the DRAGON area and making a work area for PM there. Others suggest the TISOL Cage, Heinz's old area, the Meson Hall CRs as other possible locations. CV reports that the Ca paper is submitted. He will add the late-coming comments once he receives the referee reports. CV mentions that Thomas Brunner from TITAN has suggested that we could improve the energy resolution of the BGO detectors by cooling them (he has experience from Munich). Of course everyone wonders by how much can the resolution be improved and at what cost (money, space, etc...)