Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting, July 13, 2004 (MA) Attendance: DFOT, DH, CJ, LB, AO, ML, JP, GR, DG, JDA, CR, Cv, MA, KO, AR, UG, MMP, MT, AH 1. FACILITY a) DH reported that the power supply for Q9 and Q10 doesn't have enough voltage, because it should have been used for sextupoles. This shouldn't affect anything but the Ne-21 7+ state, so we won't fix it until august. b) DH also reported that the profile monitor PRFCH was in an intemediate state, where it was intercepting roughly 3/4 of the beam, possibly during most of the 188 keV resonance runs for the Al-26 run. Hopefully the status of PRFCH will be made more evident in the software sometime in the next week. 2. Na-21 RUNS a) DH reported that operations has tuned Ne-21 up to the separator, so the switch should be able to take place on Wednesday evening. B. Laxdal is going on holidays, much to everyone's consternation. b) UG stated that the 'unicorn' calibration will take place at the end of the run, meaning other things should get done first. 3. Ne-21 RESULTS a) KO reported that a rough omega-gamma for the 258 keV resonance had been found. Found beam current using EM0 and FC2 concurrently, aand calculated partial yield for the 3, 4, and 5 plus charge states. The omega gamma was found to be 159 meV, with no error bars calculated yet. b) DH reported that the left-right asymmetry of previous experiments, notably the C-12(a,g), seems to have returned for this experiment. c) An online-PAW vs. offline-PAW vs. NOVA diference was seen in both this experiment and the Al-26 analysis. d) CV reported on local timing tests completed during the run. The beam particles could be easily separated from recoils using MCP to DSSSD timing. Only strip 9 of the DSSSD was used for timing to reduce spread due to imperfect gain matching. The DLC foil for the MCP was also tried, and compared to both the normal C foil and no foil. The DLC foil was found to scatter recoils less than the C foil, giving a better focus at the DSSSD, and better timing resolution. However, fewer electrons are scattered, meaning less MCP position resolution. e) Also completed were tests on the effect of narrowing the slits on transmission. Losses were noticed at X-slit F= 10 and Y-slit F=15. This can be checked against GEANT. Some left-right asymmetry tests were also done, but were inconclusive. 4. Al-26 RESULTS a) MA reported that omega-gamma for the 363 keV resonance of Al-26 had been calculated using the elastics monitors for incoming beam current and coincidence counts. The number was found to be 56+-14 meV. The Beta-monitors were found not to give a reliable beam current, implying that contaminant levels are not constant in the Al-26 beam. 5. FUTURE PLANS a) JDA asked for submissions for fall beam time. Also, a list of priorities has to be worked on for the next EEC meeting in the winter. CR is expected to ask for AL-26 time in the fall. 6. AOB a) AH reported that a new Si detector will be given to DRAGON. One had some work done here previously, and more work must be done to make it useful. It may have some low energy limitations. 7. Meeting Adjourned 11:55 am.