Minutes DRAGON meeting July 11 2006 present: DH, CD, DFOT, UG, EO,MT, JZ, JP, GR, PM, AH, LB, CV (recorder) 1) no previous minutes, thus, no business arising 2) Hardware: DO: parts for DSSSD mounting at the interceptor position should be ready end of next week DH: Morgan Advanced Ceramics made three ceramic tubes for ED1, but they are too big to be tested there. They are shipped now and will be tested on site with water first. DH: ED2 is sitting at 150 kV, but power supply tripped off twice in two weeks. Reason is unclear. DH and JP: problems with auto roughing mode and some valves. Will be checked. 3) Alpha acceptance tests: JP: Detector is installed after MD1, Yale ~3 MBq 241Am source is mounted. Energy resolution is worse than 148Gd source, mainly because of a Au layer which introduces a energy loss of ~0.5 MeV. After collimation to 3mm the source is about twice as strong as the 148Gd source. Problem with the old source was the undefined location of the Gd. This should be better with the Yale source. 4) CSD paper: JZ: comments were discussed. A schematic figure of DRAGON with the location of the FCs should be added. 5) Other business: CV: short report from NIC-IX satellite workshop 'Data needs for Nuclear Astrophysics' in Basel. Only a few speakers per topic gave talks (available online at http://www.physik.unibas.ch/~nic9sat/talks.php) with lots of discussion time. Main goal was to focus the activities at different labs and information should be made available for the entire community. A working group is planned with Hendrik Schatz as head.