Minutes of DRAGON meeting January 30, 2007 Present: CD, MT, DO, DH (recorder), LB, PM, CR, CV, MP 1. Minutes of previous meeting and business arising o no corrections o gate valve IV61 is in the hands of Vacuum group who will fix it when they have time. Meanwhile we have an old but leak-tight valve on loan. o XIA: PC support group is working on getting the software going (Windows 2000, S/P2 the only viable platform?) 2. Acceptance study CR, DO, et al. o we begin by installing the Si strip detector in a small box just upstream of the Final slit box, at the location where normally there is a 4" bellows as a limiting aperture o some last-minute snags in getting the DSSSD ribbon cable to allow full detector motion in one direction. Solution may be to rotate 180 degrees so ribbon-cable side of DSSSD is opposite the vacuum feed-through instead of beside it. This creates a problem with a ledge on the Cu mounting/cooling block--concerns about electrical insulation or crunching the delicate wires of the DSSSD. A party of 5 to make a site visit after the meeting. o JP is willing to show how the alpha source was mounted in previous alpha measurements. o the DSSSD mounting stage adjustment screws will be calibrated for -2", 0" and +2"; we can go farther if need be. o should be ready to assemble and pump down by tomorrow o CV will check the MCP now, while it is vented to atmosphere 3. 20Ne(p,g)21Na run of November 2006 MT o re-examining yields on the plateau; online calculations of yield were inconsistent (15-20% spread) o online wg calculated to be higher than literature and our measurement of 2002 o 2 runs runs with 18% online yield difference were re-analyzed with consistent cuts on recoil singles spectrum; get a ratio of yields 1.07 +/- 0.03 which is still somewhat troublesome. o will continue analyzing more runs and looking at other features of the data (e.g. CCD intensity). 4. Other business o solar cell project (REA-747): Brian Evans has test soldered a cell in place -- no damage ("solderable cells"). Awaiting a quote on price of cells. o Annual Report 2006 contribution for DRAGON facility was submitted today; 40Ca(a,g) contribution will be closer to February 15 deadline. o budget request for "TRIUMF DRAGON" account was submitted yesterday by CR o for next week: 20Ne(p,g); 40Ca(a,g) analysis Meeting ended at 14:35