Minutes of DRAGON meeting January 29, 2008 ========================================== Cast (in order of appearance): DH(recorder), CR(chair), PM, CD, CV, LB, GR, UH, DO Meeting began at 14:00 in the Board Room 0. Minutes of previous meeting not yet distributed 1. Hardware - test of turbo pumping on DSSSD box using TP52's inter-stage venting port (PM,CV): pump-down rate is too slow, giving only a slight reduction in convection gauge pressure at ~50 mTorr. (There may have been a leak of order 60 mTorr/minute, though.) Conclusion: we should go ahead with the order for a small turbopump to get DSSSD box down to <<50 mTorr (Varian 81-T). - the power was off for ISAC Cooling Tower maintenance last Thursday. ED2 turbopump went off. - VAT valve with a roughing port has been ordered for the end-station upgrade. - some of the pieces (flanges) ordered as part of the upgrade were not shipped, one wrong part was shipped. CR/PM will follow up. - the upgrade mirror assemblies called for printed circuit boards (metal traces on G-10), which is beyond the capabilities of the Machine Shop. Detector group (Sheffer) will do the necessary artwork and have the job done outside TRIUMF; outer rings will be done in the TRIUMF Scintillator Shop (Chan). - slow/fast venting of the Final slit box when big MCP foils are installed? Concluded that present arrangement of a manual valve constriction in series with VV62 is OK. We need the slow/fast pump-down sequence to be enforced by PLC interlocks. - 'temporary' alpha source holder (DO): has been milled (by PM) and needs some scribe lines, then will be ready for use. 2. Acceptance (UH) - latest GEANT simulation of transmission from Charge to Final box gives ~85%, very close to what is measured now but considerably higher than was measured in 2006. The main change has been adjustment of height of Q1 and Q2; UH will re-run GEANT with Q1/Q2 positions shifted to test the (simulated) sensitivity - GEANT simulation of a scan of acceptance vs SM1Y current gave a symmetric peak with FWHM ~0.4 A. Measurements gave an asymmetric peak; could it be due to small scaled current in SM2Y? - we should re-visit the 12C(a,g) resonance(s) to see if they show improved acceptance also. [Digression on 17O(a,g)21Ne (24mrad cone). Q: motivation?] 3. Beam scheduling - JMP/GB have decided on a RIB target sequence Ta(West)/SiC(East)/SiC(W)/... which would put a 23Mg(p,g) run early in June. We also need beams of 24Mg, 27Al (for charge state dist'ns) and 23Na pilot beam, and a 21Na beam to calibrate e+ monitors of beam intensity. After us would be a 21Na run to TIGRESS, all in a 3-week block; optimizing of pilot beam switch-overs means the 21Na calibration would come after the 23Mg running. We should be able to get a reasonable handle on e+ detection efficiency at the start of the run, but this has to be looked at more carefully. (DH will draft a plan.) - Supernanogan "should" be ready by April 1. We might get stable beams for commissioning after May 7 and again 1-2 weeks before the 23Mg beam. 33S(p,g) could be run in early August. 4. 22Na(p,g) (CR) - action has slowed down a bit in Seattle. They are making copies of the target chip and cooled mounting piece and have done more implantations of 23Na. A run on a target implanted at 30kV showed 20% degradation after bombardment by 11 Coul at 50 uA (similar to the earlier experience of Stegmuller et al.?) - they plan to implant and test another 23Na target and then may be ready to run on the 22Na targets shipped from TRIUMF last year - the next 22Na targets that we make at TRIUMF needn't be much stronger the the original batch. We have to make sure the schedule affords enough access to the Separator area before and after irradiation. We definitely want the new targets removed before the actinide target test. Preparations include: Cu 'chips' of the right dimensions; check out Ops familiarity with rastering program; check out electrical connections to target ladder (Cup? collimator?). 5. Other business - CV: for next week's agenda, report on Workshop Meeting ended at 14:55