Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 27 January 2004. Present: Cybele Jewett (CJ), Mike Lamey (ML), Mike Trinczek (MT), John D'Auria (JDA), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Goertz Ruprecht (GR), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Chris Ruiz (CR), Dario Gigliotti (DG), Peter Mchule (PM), Jonty Pearson (JP), Marcello Pavan (MMP), Art Olin (AO), Joel Rogers (JR), Josh Slater (JS) - recorder 1. Correction to Previous Minutes Minutes of 20 January 2004 were accepted without change 2. Facility Status: DFOT - New intermediate pumping tubes still in shop, most likely ready today. Hopes to install new pump today DH - Presents budget estimates 9K for ion chamber, including rail system to easily switch between ion chamber and DSSSD 10K for resistors, capacitors, and SF6 for prototype of high voltage stack 6K for stores, nitrogen and other "nuts and bolts", etc. DH - Also put in order to CCD program designers. Adding bigger circles for beam measures and logging to disk after X seconds DH - Notes that tracking problems on PC boards will always come up. ED1 cautiously running at 145 keV and ED2 being conditioned to 145 keV, currently at 137 keV ML - Talked to Robert Openshaw, trying to get equipment back from TUDA JDA - stresses that need to get DRAGON equipment back from TUDA to run the ion chamber LB - Didn't know when equipment would be returned, but Pat Walden put in request to get replacements for TUDA 3. ML Report ML - Reports the results of most recent tests. The latest tests have tested entire setup, mirror plus MCP. ML displays a plot of time of flight differences with a fit. Chaos erupts as group realizes ML's X^2/D.F. is far too large. ML will look into the problem. [Ed - ML has realized he didn't enter the errors into the calculation. This has been fixed and the X^2/D.F. is considerable better] ML also displays time of flight spectrums with different delays added between detectors. Was for calibrations and to make sure a difference in TOF could be seen. [Attachment1] 4. JS student project report JS, supporting base of entire pole, presents diagram of 12C(12C,g) target chamber. Explains the purpose of the student project is to understand how the gammas interact with the BGOs: Number of crystals triggered, energy deposited in triggered crystals. The near standing ovation is obvious. [Attachment2] DH - Notes that CELV is not present during solid target runs. This will be removed from the simulation. The question of whether a separate development three should be started for C12(C12,g) in the CVS repository. JDA memory draws a blank about CVS, despite its discussion meetings, such as the 23 September 2003 meeting. MMP offers to present a refresher next meeting. 5. CR's Report CR - Begins by summarizing of Rolfs & Rodney. Has calculated the overall reaction rate of 21Na(p,g)22Mg using both narrow resonance integration method and broad resonance integration method. Results are compared to Bishop's narrow resonance calculate. No significant difference between the three. [Attachment3] LB - Wants to see calculation of the S-factor CR - will do the calculations 6. Discussion of Na21(alpha, gamma) paper DH - presents diagram of branching levels in Mg produced by the Na. Points out a strong transition to the first excited state (1.25 MeV), a weaker decay to the 4.40 MeV state on the diagram, and at lower energies a strong transition to the ground state. Also notes that the lowest point on the graph in the paper had a gamma ray spectrum that was different from the other points. Evidence of contamination with a second resonance state and reason to leave the point out of the fit. AO - ask whether the peaks associated with the second resonance state can be distinguished using the gamma ray spectrum DH - Statistics are such that the two states are confounded (ED - AO now questions whether the point on the graph can be used as an upper limit) JDA - Might re-measure in June, might just go with what we have. "Stay Tuned" for more. 7. Schedules of Beam Time JDA - received note from Univ. of York, wants to run solid target in March. DH - saw unofficial beam time schedule late February to work on DRAGON detector development first two weeks of March for Yorke 1 week for ISAC new operator training 2 weeks of C12(alpha, gamma) Easter See how things go after Easter June, could do Ne or go back to Na? JDA - Al was tentatively on schedule. Jean Michael will present final draft on Wednesday 28 January. JDA has meeting on Wednesday. Pushing for TISOL ECR into OLIS. Administration has some concerns about it. 8. JR's Last Dragon meeting JR's Last DRAGON meeting is today. Friday is his official last day and flight outta here is right after. Says BGO array is the "gold standard" for efficiency for tagging heavy ion. It's "Rock Solid" JP - continuing to study the electronics. Meeting with JR everyday. JDA - JR has made a huge contribution to DRAGON. No idea how to thank hms as DRAGON "wouldn't be where we are without him". JR - had plenty of fun and will always consider 2-3 years ago the good ol' days. Everyone agrees, DRAGON summer meeting in Key West!