DRAGON MEETING TUESDAY JAN 24 2PM Present: dfot, dh, cd, pm, ah, jc, gr, jp, cv, mt, cr, mmp (recorder) 1. Last week's minutes accepted 2. alpha acceptance tests * DFOT says that source is at target centre to 1/4 mm (!) * detector works fine * high vacuum is available * rough acceptance of 19mr straight down the beam tube * detectors now moved to downstream of charge slits - looks OK in y direction - tail on high momentum side - spot seems to be _roughly_ 1cm wide - plan to take data here and do some playing with magnets, slits > spend a week at that position before moving on 3. Status of 26Al (cr) * charge state fraction taken to be a constant as f(pressure) [fig] - uncertainty now a little larger, but not severe [fig] - as a result, resonance strengths are now consistent [fig] * Vogellar branching ratios put into GEANT and BGO distributions generated - not much 197 g0-vs-g1 data , but what is there is not surprising [fig] - in constrast, 201 data shows some surprising bumps [fig] > seem to be 'real' > some options considered and put into GEANT, but no exact match seen o still a mystery - simulation indicates that BR uncertainty doesn't affect much the uncertainty in BGO efficiency - difference with Vogelaar is so big it doesn't seem possible that it is simply gamma efficiency * awaiting DRAGON acceptance results as well * have been in communication with Jordi Jose about possible revision of calculated rates in novae * summary: we have a different resonance strength, energy, and branching - time to put it all together and get a draft letter [N.B. all figures will be on the ELOG] 4. coming events and deadlines * NIC abstract deadline is end of January * Annual Report deadline Jan 27 * abstracts to CAP by March 1 5. 22Na decay experiment * Claus Rolfs quoted as saying that 22Na decay rate will increase by 1.4x if cooled to 10K in metals; 1/sqrt(T) temperature dependence - seems unlikely > inappropriate extrapolation of model * TRIUMF test safety approval by JMP - 22Na created by bombarding 27Al with 70 MeV protons > other junk decays away quickly (bombardement was 2-3 years ago) - sample now cooling down to liquid nitrogen temperature > if Rolfs' model is correct, should see a 10% effect - HPGe crystal used ~8 event/sec rate meeting adjourned 2:55