DRAGON meeting Tues Jan 23, 2006 PRESENT : DO, DH, CD, LB, PM, CR, GR, CV, MT, MP (recorder) A. changes to last week's minutes: ---------------------------------- present. "XX" = "CD" 3. 22Na, not 23Na 5. 'thin diamond like', not 'thick carbon-like' B. Business arising -------------------- 1. DH reported that Mitutoyo scale has been ordered. 2. DH sent around draft of Annual Report document o 40Ca should have a separate article C. Hardware ------------- 1. DH reported on 'Total' alignment procedure done with Bruno Gasbarri et al. o circulated report by email already - bottom line : can see <0.5mm movements. OK ! o looking into permanent fixtures for future alignments 2. DH looking into equipment for finding magnetic centres of quads 3. CR talked about efforts to get XIA waveform module working. o not working. likely Windows or driver issue. - XIA offered to send SCSI adapter, etc to try to make it work - DH asked what to do if we turn them down > CR: try new adapter, Windows XP, cross fingers, etc 4. IV61 (gate valve after the Final slit box) o if the part that leaks is just a seal -$12 - if its the shaft - >$180 - new valve USD1640 o PM will take it apart using a generic manual sent to him 5. CR : Konstantin asked if DRAGON would like DAQ group to request VF48 modules o CR: reports that JP Martin _will_ develop the VF64, but timescale of development is problematic. - consensus : don't need VF48 at this time. wait for VF64 6. DH: we don't want alpha quad found on roof of cyclotron D. Beam Requests ------------------ 1. 25Mg - CV 2. 19Ne - UG 3. 18F(p,a) - Alison (TUDA) 4. 11B - TACTIC test 5. 33S - AP 6. 18F(p,g) - CR 7. DH reported that JMP was thinking of May for MAYA, SiC+FEBIAD in June, E. BUDGET --------- 1. CR overviewed end station upgrade (ATTACHED) 2. CR hesitantly brought up automatic iris o DH: if we have money and an opportune time to install, then sure F. 22Na lifetime ---------------- 1. GR: waiting for DAQ to set up VME system (ADCs, etc) o not an official experiment, so no leverage o if XIA stuff suddenly works, then progress will be swift G. Items for next week o evaluation of 20Ne(p,g) data o alphas: envelope at 4" bellows in front of F box Meeting adjourned 3pm