Dragon Meeting Minutes of Tuesday Jan 22, 2003: Present: Shawn Bishop(scribe), Lothar Buchmann, John D'Auria, Sabine Engel, Dave Hutcheon, Allison Laird, Pater Machule, Art Olin, Dave Ottewell, Catherine Neish, Aaron Begington Business Arising: DH - New power supples for MD1/MD2 need be connected to electrical power yet. Electrician is working to this task. Controls group are still looking into how they are to be interfaced to computer (EPICS) control. JDA - informs us that Dario's BGO array calibration with a known source is "still in progress" and that Dario may be in a position to present first results at Jan 28 meeting. JDA - Mentions that dedicated computer for CCD camera is set-up and ready. DH - reports that will still need to determine what the colour-coding of the camera's file format is. Catherine - mentions that she may be able to help in this regard from her experience with the HST data files. AO - reports that the ODB, and other relevant software has been transferred onto isdaq04; the only exception being that the main "front-end" code has been left on midmes01. CN - Gave an overhead presentation of her study investigating beam normalizations. Finds that the ratio of elastics to betas is fairly constant, but that ratios of elastics to FC4 and betas to FC4 vary considerably moreso. Concludes that installation of a Faraday Cup between MD1 and ED1 to measure beam charge state simultaneously with elastics is probably the best way to go. See attached pdf file for particulars. JDA - raised the issue of 15O(alpha,gamma) in light of results from B. David's Netherlands experiment. In the opinion of many, this measurement may not be as important to measure (at DRAGON). More discussion with Hendrik Schatz and others to follow next week during HS visit. February run-time was discussed and the 12C(alpha,gamma) was vigourously discussed as a run possibility. Follow-up discussions on how to proceed to be done at a following meeting.