Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 20 January 2004. Present: Art Olin (AO), Chris Ruiz (CR), Cybele Jewett (CJ), Dario Gigliotti (DG), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Joel Rogers (JR), John D'Auria (JDA), Jonty Pearson (JP), Joshua Slater (JS), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Mike Lamey (ML), Peter Machule (PM), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Corrections to Previous Minutes: Section 4a): MT meant to express that DRAGON was only able to take beam for ~10% of the alloted beamtime, due to ISAC difficulties. 2. Facility Status: DH - New intermediate pumping tubes still being made. Last week's description of "destroyed" tubes perhaps too harsh, "crumpled" is a better adjective. DFOT - Tubes can probably be salvaged, don't need to be remade. JDA - Need the back end sorted out, i.e., control systems, MCP drive, new pump, ... DH - Firm budget request deadline: Wednesday 28 January 2004. JDA - Need the "German" windows for the Ion Chamber from CJ. Windows are currently in CJ's desk. She will coordinate with ML the transfer of said windows and will post appropriate information on the DRAGON web page. DH - New (to the group) people should add their names to the TRIUMF phone list, since the TRIUMF system is a bit slow. 3. ML MCP Report: ML - Reminds group of the setup he is using. [Attachment1 - contains figures and words from ML.] JDA - Impresses that ML is doing a lot of work, taking care of everything at the back of DRAGON. Impromptu chorus from several group members proposing ML's thesis title to be "The Whole Back End of DRAGON"... ML - Using Ge source for 511s to generate coincidence between PMT and MCP. At 150ps, MCP is still fast. Sums the Resistive Anode 4 position signals to test MCP and ensure that proper bias is set. Uses 148Gd Alpha source and 20mcg/cm^2 foil for this. ML, AO, JR, DH - Much discussion about distribution of gain from the electrons striking the MCP. Figure shows convolution of several electrons and MCP. ML - Proposes efficiency tests for position and linearity. Making masks to place after source, using DSSSD as trigger. Also, Steve Chan is making PMT to sit in place of the DSSSD. "Ready soon" ML - Mentions self-written simulation done by Larry Root (most likely not of Root infamy below) with input from Relax3D. Proposes to do same to simulate the MCP efficiency tests, using Relax3D to describe the field lines of the mirror. JDA - ML will need attenuated beam and a reaction to measure during beamtime for his thesis. ML, JR, CR - Discussion about Selena (sp?) ADCs - offsets, events at zero. 4. Paw to Root: JDA - When will DRAGON make the transition from Paw to Root? AO - We could go to Root now, but won't gain much (yet). Need to first rewrite the analyzer in Root; this will take time from AO, JP, and Joe Chuma. (Explains that Root is similar to ntuples in Paw and hence more flexible and powerful than current data processing...) Propose to develop offline over the next year and perhaps implement next January online. JDA - Voices concerns over who will actually do the work. Do we have the necessary manpower? 5. MT analysis of 1102 resonance: Shows latest figure and fit of data. [Attachment2] The lowest energy point is suspect because of potential contribution from neighboring 1079 state. Also concerns voiced about whether the error on the point should be increased (and hence weighted less in the fit) because it was from the 8+ charge state data and not the 9+ as the other points were. Will investigate. CJ will look at the Gamma spectra to check lowest energy data point. [Ed - Days later... CJ and DH find that there is an asymmetry difference between the lowest energy point and the point at the maximum in the 1102 resonance. Consequently DH and MT decide to exclude this point from the fit and a new figure, with slightly different fitted values, is generated for the paper.]