MINUTES OF DRAGON MEETING Jan 15, 2004 Present: JS,GR,JR,ML,DG,MT,JDA,AO,JP,DH,MMP(Recorder),LB,PM 1. Last week's minutes a) in point 5, it should be simply PGAC (_not_ PPAC/PGAC) 2. Facility Report (JDA and DH) a) Allen Richardson working with DO on new, intermediate pumping tube o shortens exists tubes o =:-O one existing tubes destroyed, must be remade b) JDA had asked DO to get back equipment loaned to TUDA o DH and DO trying to get controls on new pumps - cost and feasibility need investigating c) JDA reminds everyone we need to review and record foils used with ion chamber in the past o IC will be used if we get 13N beam d) DRAGON TRIUMF Facility Account o DH will put in a request for (few X $10K) e) DH put in a REA for an alternate design for HV power supply stacks f) EDs being reconditioned by ML and DH o ED1 (ED2) up to 180 (130)KV so far g) DH asked CYANOGEN (sp?) about customizing CCD software h) MT floated idea of buying a locking toolbox and tools o others promptly shot idea out the sky i) beam schedule o nothing decided, not sure when it will be 2. JR discussing DRAGON/Midas software (see attachment) a) JDA wants a copy made of infamous 'blue book' of all electronics related material o poor JS low man on pole --> will copy it o original will reside in 'downstairs' cabinet (i.e. "Joel's") b) JR goes over his memo c) JR states he will be at TRIUMF for only two more DRAGON meetings 3. MT asked about installing new disk on MIDMES01 a) no objections to doing it next week o ML asked to be consulted first 4. MT discusses his analysis of Fall '03 21Na(p.g) data a) only 10% of all data taken b) using 'Sabine' method c) presented a yield curve (see attachment) o discussion on how to treat 2D errors o also about systematic uncertainty d) JDA suggests that MT follow same analysis procedure on E822 data 5. JDA announced upcoming meetings a) big INPC 2004 conference in Goteburg, Sweden o Alan Chen is prepared to go on behalf of DRAGON 6. LB shows new fits to 12C(a,g) April data a) showed 'high energy gamma only" spectrum b) LB claims he doesn't see energy shifts claimed by some students o peaks show up where expected o JDA points out that LB has a tad more experience than undergraduates c) key analysis innovation was to fit peaks individually o trying to everything at once doesn't work o get some parameters from runs with "good" peaks to use on low stats runs 7. Next meeting Tues Jan 20, 10:30 8. Meetings Adjourns