Dragon Group Meeting - January 15, 2002 - Minutes Present: DAH, LB, DG, AO, AC*, DO, JR, SB *scribe 1) Business arising: -The MCP detector has been installed in the final focus box. Vacuum is good. Actuator is not operational yet. -The lead shroud to go over the Charge Slits Box is being put together, and will soon be ready for fitting over the CSB and filling with Pb. -CW needs a CFD module for his studies on pulse shape discrimination with elastic monitors. JR/CW will check the TRIUMF pool first. If this fails, then one module from the present IC/PGAC setup will be borrowed. 2) 21Na(p,g)22Mg analysis: SB has fit the elastics spectra to an exponential function with a gaussian function superimposed. His sorting program is now setup. Further discussion next week. 3) Gamma-array (see attached pdf file) DG presented plans for creating an interface program for the BGO array GEANT simulation which will allow calculate the array efficiency and expected gamma yield, using input parameters provided by the user. He also discussed plans to calibrate the BGO array using sources that will be cross-calibrated with a standard NaI crystal. In future simulations, DG will include the lead pipe presently placed on the upstream side of the gas target box. He will also study the possibility of making the pipe out of heavy-met instead of lead. DG presented simulation results on the array efficiency for 4.467 MeV gammas and a 2 MeV threshold on the sum, for a point source, a 10 cm line source and a 20 cm line source. AO raised the possibility of relating the BGO efficiency to the observed z-distribution in the array, to understand better the source distribution in the gas for a given reaction. DG lastly presented simulation results showing number of hits per individual BGO crystal for 100,000 events, for different sources. Crystals #1 and #3 appear to be still important even though they have been pulled out to accommodate the lead pipe. 4) EMIS-14 It was agreed that the following people will submit EMIS contributions (abstract deadline is February 1): Dario - Gamma array studies Chris - Silicon detector studies Sabine - DRAGON commissioning/operation Alan - gas end-detectors, MCP (Shawn will not be submitting.) In addition, Uwe Greife has submitted a contribution on the gas target performance.