Minutes of DRAGON Meeting - January 14, 2003 Present: L.Buchmann, S.Engel, D.Gigliotti, D.Hutcheon(chair), A.Laird, Zhong Li, A.Olin, D.Ottewell, J.Rogers(recorder), and C.Wrede 1. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with one minor change. 2. Status reports - New power supplies are being installed under the platform. A Faraday-cup for beam integration will be installed in the mass slit box, initially 12 cm off-center for upcoming 12C(a,g)16O stable beam runs. The spare roughing pump has a bad bearing, will be shipped back to Leobold for repair. D.Ottewell will look into installing a bypass throttle valve to allow running higher target gas pressures. D.Gigliotti will continue measuring gamma efficiencies, planning to finish next week. Catherine Neish is working on data analysis for improving FC4 vs beta-monitor calibration. 3. Z-position Calibration - J.Rogers presented a continuation of his analysis of gamma-point-source calibration data. The peak positions are linearly related to true-positions out to Z=6cm. The statistical errors are consistent with measured Gaussian-width/root-N from 10 to 250 events in the Z-position spectrum. A memo describing Joel's analysis is attached to these minutes. Aaron Bebington, here for a year, is working on extending the data analysis to a wider range of event-counts. S.Engel showed her analysis of several resonance position- measurements, which seem to show a non-linearity at source positions around 3-4 cm. The reason for the disagreement between beam and sources may be related to details of the analysis methods used. 4. Solid-target Ladder - D.Hutcheon presented two possible designs for the 12C(12C,g) experiment. A chain and motor drive would gently move any of several target positions, blanks, and collimators into the beam with possible microswitchs to limit play in the chain. The small-angle elastic monitor detector would need a new mount, but no changes are needed to the gamma array positions. J.Rogers pointed out that the gamma detector positions may also change slightly for the 12C(a,g) experiment. 5. The EEC has approved several new experiments to run on DRAGON. See the attached list. The 12C(a,g) experiment has the highest priority for use of stable beam. 6. Budget Requests - D.Hutcheon will submit a request for all DRAGON needs to TRIUMF management. Users should forward individual experiment's needs for capital items to Dave. 7. Scaling Program - A.Olin reported his plans to upgrade the scaling program which is used to change the tune of DRAGON elements with beam energy changes. The need to validate tunes before making them "standard" was recognized to require a person, like Art or Dave, to keep a central directory of "golden" tunes. See attached list of planned new/improved features of the scaling program.