Minutes for DRAGON meeting, January 11th, 2005. =============================================== Present: JDA DH DO MT CR GR WRH PM AO CV DG JP (recorder) There were no previous minutes circulated to the group. DH received minimal minutes which were accepted. 1. Radiation doses. DH: Request from TRIUMF to get people to move cables in radioactive areas to prevent above-limit dose rates for diagnostic group members. See Vijay Verma for details, or email him for more information . 2. Cleanup. DO: Almost everything is cleaned up. We may be able to get another cupboard for storage. Still to do is tidy cables, tidy inside remaining cupboards and clean-up under the stairs. 3. Equipment status. PM: Gas target PC bombed. CPU and memory upgrades are on the way to bring this stone-age beast to the 21st century. DH: 160kV on ED2, 183kV on ED1 (200kV is upper limit). Belches of X-rays are still occurring during conditioning. Slits, which broke during the December run, are now fixed. CCD seems OK. JP: DAQ upgrades (software) need to be done. DO: Pumps seem to be OK. Currently relying on vacuum spares. Spare pump needed? JDA: SiN window replacement. Go for thin windows, also need alter the ion chamber anode configuration and place preamps inside chamber etc. JDA: Assume we will get a second MCP. End box needs to be changed. Design office needs alerting. Exact upstream position is still unknown. Put in for REA. 4. Budget items. DH: - Two monitors and CPU upgrade for isdaq04 have been granted by Renee. - Greg Hackman has information on hevi-met for thicker tubes to replace the installed lead pipes just upstream of the gas-target. - Rotating profile monitor initial estimate $15k, possible alternative from Mike McDonald for $1k. To be placed upstream of HEBT2, to enable tuners to check beam properties before it reaches DRAGON. - Diamond-like-carbon (DLC) foil ~$2k - is it possible to get others interested at TRIUMF to use these foils? - What about second MCP detector. $10k for second MCP, but hard to justify for TRIUMF budget. IC windows/preamps? 5. DLC foils. CV: DLC MCP foil can be up to 7cm in diameter. (See attachment dlc.pdf.) Note lifetime plot for DLC foils - up to 5 times longer than conventional carbon foils. For use with MCP, a foil thickness of 4-6ug/cm2 is needed to obtain a sufficient electron yield. Quote for stripper-foil sized foils required. Should show Bob Laxdal attached plots to see if he would be interested in using DLC foils. 6. Elastic beam monitor. CR: Would be used to rapidly identify which ion species are in the beam. Look for difference in mass between a molecule and desired ions - need large mass differences. Detector would be an elastic monitor to be placed in a port somewhere in the MEBT beam section. DRAGON can supply equipment and man power for such a device but will not bear the full cost. This is not likely to go into the DRAGON budget as it's really part of MEBT. Interaction with Pierre Bricault is also needed before we proceed any further. Simulation still needed. AO: Suggests using an annular detector, which is seen as a good idea. DH: Has a possible second location to place the monitor... 7. GEANT3. CR and DG: Still having problems with gamma-rays. Data does not agree with intensity of the cascade peaks. Ground state gammas-rays are too intense in histograms. There appear to be problems with the size of the spread in some of the peaks - may be too broad. Pumping tubes dimensions needed to be checked in simulation. CR currently debugging. ACTION: Presentation with figures of what is happening with simulation CR/LB/DG. 8. Students: - Is AC's student going to visit? - Coop students for the summer - just 1? - 11c student from China is having visa trouble. - Katlin returns in 2 weeks (from 24th - 4th Feb). 9. Papers: Papers to be written or being written include: - Commissioning paper (DH) - MCP paper (ML) - Gamma-array paper (DG) Commissioning paper draft should be read and comments made to DH. 10. Beam priorities: We need: 20ne(MT), 26al(CR), 19ne(UG), 27si(CR), 40ca(CV), 23na(JC), 22ne(beam suppression shoot-out) Others: 12c(LB)? 25al?