DRAGON Meeting Minutes 2006-01-03 begin 10:30 present DH,JP,DFOT,CR,LB,AH,CD,CV (recorder), GR (incognito) 0) Happy new year! previous minutes were excellent! consensus was found that the time of DRAGON meeting should be at 14:00 1) Ideas for budget (TRIUMF 25K$) + ceramic isolators for ED1 + manual gauge for ion chamber, which reads up to 1 atm + spare HV power supply + SiN windows for charge state booster 2) Status of hardware + iris: DFOT will try to make it more convenient to operate and will replace broken blades at some time + fan for roots blowers: cheap solution is an external fan, but PM may have fixed it already + HV module for BGO array is fixed and installed back - JP 3) Status of software JP: epic data can be displayed now in root, also a few bugs are fixed time delay between reading of epics data can be changed in odb 4) Agenda for next meeting progress report on 26gAl(pg) and 12C(a,g) paper LB suggest an invited DRAGON talk at NIC-IX - CR's 26gAl(pg) CV: postpone progress report on 40Ca analysis to the meeting on Jan 17, but will make a nice plot of preliminary excitation function for Jan 10 (for JDA's and LB's talks at conferences) 5) Separator acceptance the goal is finding the acceptance as a function of energy and angle and check it with GEANT simulations JP wants to do systematic studies at various positions along the beam line some discussion about a reliable source ensued since there is no agreement between various measurements of the strong 148Gd source. AH will be responsible for that part. discussion about which positions are best suited for acceptance study: focus points are 'easy' accessible and should be done first to locate losses, but other positions are necessary, too, e.g. before Q1 (instead of last turbo pump) and MD1 (big envelope - moveable detector necessary?) both pumping tubes (for H2 and He) should be measured LB: some sort of automated measurements would be nice, since lots of different settings should be measured CR: GEANT is ready to interpret measured data CV: if we put the detector at the position of FC1, we can measure at the same position the acceptance of pumping tubes with Q1/Q2 off and the envelope before MD1 with Q1/Q2 on time frame for acceptance studies is about the next three month, measurements after gas target and at charge focus could be finished by end of Jan. end of meeting 11:45