25 February 2003 DRAGON Minutes Recorder: CJ Present: DH, AL, CW, JR, AO, DG, SE, DO, CN and AB Hardware: We are making progress on various hardware fronts. The Faraday cup assembly should be ready to be given to Heinz. The plan is to check the profile monitor in air. Rod Nussbaumer is going to be making improvements to on the high voltage page. ED2 is conditioning well, however, ED1 keeps tripping because it thinks it is receiving too much anode current. Dave Ottewell is going to put a buffer tank on the backing line of the turbo pumps. One of the outlying gamma-detectors has a mysterious 2 mm dent in it. JR suggested having two people (one to observe) work on closing and opening the gamma-array. Comments on 12C(alpha,gamma): The source is producing up to 1+ 12C at up to 200nA for up to 9 hours which would be about 60-70 pnA in charge state 3+ at the DRAGON target. They could not look for 2+ due to lack of a special regulator valve that is needed because CO is classified as a poisonous gas. Short Term Beam Plans: We are not going to have beam this week. Next Monday and Tuesday, we may have beam. We are asking for 1 MeV/u. We plan to measure 12C(alpha,gamma). We plan to install the DSSSD rather than the IC this week. After that, we plan to install the IC. Long Term Beam Plans: o We would like to try the MCP. o We plan to run with 21Ne(p,gamma)22Na checks on the IC. o We also plan to run with 13C(p,gamma) as a background for the 13N experiment. o We plan to run with 16O(alpha,gamma)20Ne(0+) as a way to produce a gamma source of known intensity for the BGO calibration measurements. Misc.: The strip detector has noise problems; they may be due to the way in which it was installed. JR suggested that we keep a record of strip detector installation procedures in the hardware logbook. We should also include the serial number of the detector in the hardware logbook. It was recommended that we put strip detector instructions in a binder. Removal of the TISOL box presents problems. When we dismantle things next week, we should record their configuration beforehand. Cooling System: Next week, CW, DH and JD will discuss the cooling system; any other interested parties may join in. The question is whether we should pipe in cold water to cool the detector, or whether we should use a separate refrigerator.