Minutes of DRAGON Meeting, Feb 21nd 2006 ======================================== DH, Charles Davis, LB, PM, AH, JP, GR (recorder), JC, CV, MT, CR Minutes ------- Jan. 31: Correct summer student name is J. Zylberberg Feb. 14: No comments Hardware status --------------- PM: No fan for the roots yet. More expensive parts are needed. Two fans broken from CAMAC crates. Can't be bought single. DH: Will try to charge it on TRIUMF DRAGON account. DH/JP: Small leak (10 Torr drop overnight) in the target. Should be found soon. Acceptance ---------- JP: 20.6 mrad @ MD1, 25mm / 25mm opened slits. Hopes to run after ED1 soon. Nothing found so far that cuts the acceptance. After calibrating slits they sometimes come back with random offsets; reproducible. Will probably write an acceptance report. Revised beam schedule --------------------- DH: Still not the final draft. DRAGON shifts very different now. 40Ca end of March - April, then development Ti-beam AOB --- 21Na(p,g) paper: Still no electronic copy of the Cybele's thesis. 12C(a,g) paper: LB: Wait for end of acceptance tests? The deviations from ERNA are stronger on the resonances than between. ERNA has no acceptance problems, so we may(??) trust these data. Comparing singles to ERNA data could be helpful; the 4+ decay is pure cascade and can be compared. CR: Also important for 26Al run where we measured 40% less, though the cone was smaller. JC: Could be checked with stable beam. CR: Stable beam only used for timing calibration but one could look into data. DH: We wait for mass slits measurements and re-assess this in a week. WRNPPC: CR: - First prize to Chris Ouellet. Heather Crawford "honorably mentioned". - From a private conversation, calculations from Josˇ predict 30% increase for new 26Al data but he found mistake and needs another week now. - New hype on hypernuclei. - Dark matter: - DEAP facility at SNO, put in liquid Ar to measure WIMPs - Interesting talk (Rainer Dick) about a high-energy cosmic gamma rays scan of the sky at Pierre-Auger Obsv. Hot spot found that could be origin of dark matter. AH: Cleaning DSSSD didn't change the leakage current JC: Should still try with trichloroethylene. JC: Catania dE/E detector now commercially available. See www.el-se.com, model R324 & R324D2. No price mentioned. GR gives a 15 minutes overview of screening basics. There will be also a seminar talk presumably March 1st.