20 Feb., 2007 DRAGON Meeting minutes Present: MT, CR, CD*, CV, DO, LB, SF, PM, GR, AC 1. Minutes of previous meeting. Approved with no corrections. 2. Acceptance update and plans. CR: We are not well focused on the mass slits - difference between 0% to -5% mis-tune on Q1. Dave O is installing the DSSSD at Turbo-pump 7. Then we will go to the final slits. We want to look at RAYTRACE again. GEANT not simulating reality. DO: Put detector in TP7 but had leaks; had to get O-ring right. CR: Detector was cleaned with ethanol after liquid freon from 'air duster' got on it. Don Hunter had original RAYTRACE files; DH took a lot of it over. CR: Most important to go to end as soon as TP7 measurement is done. 3. 40Ca analysis short update CV ran different scenarios on strong resonances for BGO spectra/ efficiencies. Results: efficiencies are slightly higher than the data, except very good agreement at lower threshold. Lots of stuff around the threshold. Perhaps noise or uncertainty of threshold setting affecting simulated eff. Will check input file again. 4. 22Na lifetime GR: ROOT bug giving him problems. CR: Seattle don't want to use our DAQ system; they want to use `tried and true' [and old] system used before. 5. Solar cell plans CR shows prototype 70 cells were ordered. 6. A.O.B. -schedule news TUDA would be able to do an experiment whatever happens. 19 April: stable beam for TUDA. -C.R: designer going [gone?] on vacation so we are trying to get job passed off to another. Must get bumped up in priority. -22Na source CR to do paperwork for Safety. Must find a desiccator to store them. -MT hooked up current source to FC4: perfectly stable. Test IN/OUT as in run. -PM problem with bias ring wire on the Final FC; fixed. May not, but could have been intermittent. -PM Turbo pumps half-speed mode not working. Do we need it? Why not just turn them off? -PM dirt in vacuum system [when foils fail?] Please keep it clean. *sec.