Minutes of the February 18, 2003 DRAGON meeting Present: JDA, CN (recorder), AB, DG, LB, SB, CW, ML, SE, AO, AL, CJ, DH, UG, PM, JR 1. Minutes Several spelling mistakes corrected in February 11 minutes. Minutes will now be available online, but it was agreed not to post them until they had been corrected and approved in the following meeting. http://www.triumf.ca/dragon/minutes.html 2. Status of PRL paper There was some discussion among the PRL paper's authors regarding the uncertainty in the BGO efficiency listed in the paper. There appeared to be a discrepancy in the analysis of the 7.5 MeV resonance in the Ne21 reaction, between users of Nova and users of MIDAS. After much discussion, it was decided to change the efficiency listed in the paper from 0.51 to 0.48, and to reduce the uncertainty on the systematic error for the gamma array from 20% to 12%. See attached. 3. Plans for stable beam UG requested a 21Ne beam at approx. 500 keV/u to re-check measurements made last August and test the operation of the ion chamber. JDA mentioned that the 13C(p,gamma)14N reaction could run at the same time as it would also need to use the ion chamber. DH mentioned that there may be beam available as soon as tomorrow evening (Wednesday, February 19). This will last until Friday, with beam time being used for operator training, and testing of the system. There will also be beam available from March 3 - 4, and from March 10 onward. 4. Mini facility status reports a. Power Supply (DH) The new power supplies have been hooked up and tested. CN is currently working out the new field versus current relationship. b. New Faraday Cup (DH) The new Faraday Cup still in the milling stage. Progress is moving slowly. c. HV Conditioning (DH) The high-voltage conditioning is continuing, though some problems with the software have been encountered. d. New Beam Position Monitor (DH) The red cables for the new beam position monitor have been pulled into place. The motor controller has not arrived yet. Will wait until next week to proceed. e. Target Wheel (DH) The target wheel for using solid targets is still in the design phases. f. CCD Camera (PM) The CCD continues to stop operating at unexpected moments. It will soon be necessary to update the user manual to reflect recent changes. g. DAQ (AO) The DAQ is all set up with updated documentation available. It was decided not to check the VME system. h. Webpage (CN) Photos taken at meeting will be placed on the "People" section of the DRAGON webpage. http://www.triumf.ca/dragon/people.html 5. Cooling system JDA mentioned the need to meet and discuss the chiller on the (DSSSD) focal plane silicon detector. 6. Elastic monitor LB reminded us that problems had been encountered with the elastic monitor. JR will work on it. 7. Faraday cup current integrators AL reported that new current integrators were available for the Faraday cups. She has tried them on TUDA, and found that they allow readings at lower currents (after some time delay - see attachment). It was decided to get two made for DRAGON - one for FC4, and one for FCCH.