Minutes of DRAGON meeting 17th February 2004. Present: Cybele Jewett (CJ), Art Olin (AO), Mike Lamey (ML), John D'Auria (JDA), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Goertz Ruprecht (GR), Dave Ottewell (DO), Josh Slater (JS), Jonty Pearson (JP) - recorder. 1. Corrections to Previous Minutes: Minutes of 10th Feb were accepted without change. 2. Lake Louise Conference: ML received second prize for presentation on MCP detector. All other presentations went well. 3. Facility Status: DO - New turbo pump appears to be working well; ran overnight and held vacuum. LB suggests vacuum tests before running begins. EPICS still needs pump adding. ML - ED1 is at 180 kV, ED2 is at 145.5 kV and tripped over the weekend. 4. JDA - What is the status of the DSSSD detector, do we need anymore DSSSDs and is it necessary to order more detectors for the forthcoming runs? Heinz currently has 1 detector and there is also 1 in a cupboard. It is suggested that ML puts a list of DSSSD detectors onto the web. Also regarding detectors, do we need the back-end EPICS pages updating for the MCP detector? And ML suggests adding a needle valve to the current vacuum set-up under the slip box. 5. JS - GEANT 12C + 12C simulations are now working. The target, pumping tubes and histograms have been changed. See attachments. Issue raised by JDA about how can it is possible to check the simulations to see if they are giving reasonable results. 6. LB - Presents latest results from 12C(a,g)16O data for the 6.05 MeV state. Plot of S-factor shown - see attachments. AO queries whether LB's calibration is correct as there appear to be more low energy counts in each peak. 7. Plans for detector tests: ML - Presents run plan for upcoming tests of MCP energy and timing. See attachment. Discussion over which choice of beam to use and which reaction, 13C(p,g)14N or 21Ne(p,g)22Na? AO - Plans for tests with Catania detector. Aim is to measure energy resolution and thickness variations of DE detector. Again, discussion over which beam to use. AO prefers 21Ne as energy loss is greater but could use 13C. AO also requests singles and 2d EDE spectra in online sort. 8. JDA - Contributions to upcoming conferences: NIC - LB, ML , Others ???? CAP - LB, AO ENAM - JDA 9. JDA - Announces meeting for all parties interested in 11C (as the methane molecule CH4) beam production via an alternative method using 13 MeV protons at TR13. Meeting to take place in the Board Room on Thursday 19th February.