Minutes of DRAGON meeting, February 11th, 2004. Present: JD, DO, JP, CJ, ML, JS, AO, GR (recorder), CR, LB Correction to previous minutes ML noted that the conditioning voltage of ED2 was 142 *kilo*V, not V. Installation of new pumps DO says that the new pumps are installed and running with He. Something is still leaking but it is not serious. JP will change the GEANT code using CVS (a user program for system VII to update the code, as AO explained) Beam schedule JD: Presently it looks as we have a beam from February 26th to March 4th. Only a couple of days but perhaps enough to make detector tests. AO would like testing the Catania detector with heavy ions, as it works with alphas. It may or may not need cooling and runs essentially the same as the DSSD. JD: We start with the DSSD. Switching to the Cat. det. is then a simple change ML needs an energy signal to test the mass resolution of the MCP. After a short discussion about when to mount the Cat. det. JD suggests to run with mcp for 2 days and then switch to Cat detector. Start with PMT at end of DRAGON with mcp, then put in DSSSD for energy of recoils. We can then put in the CAt. det. Action item: Next meeting we must discuss a more precise beam schedule! Electronics What do we need for the next run (not for the ion chamber)? This needs some attention. Also, we need to get back the items for the ion chamber from TUDA (at some point). After working with the MIDAS software JP has now an increase of spectra. AO, JD discussing about how to combine the TDC and the DSSD so that the software can remain unchanged. Perhaps AO needs a new BIAS supply for the Catania detector. After a discussion of LB and JD about energy determination by means of elastic scattering, and usefulness of two Si detectors in place, JD closed the meeting. DG and ML gave her rehershal talks about the BGO and the MCP for the Lake Louise Conference.