Stable beam request for DRAGON and TUDA 1. Development and operation of the DTL with a 1/6 beam, e.g. 2+C or another beam as selected by BL (1 beam-week). 2. Use of 16O beam for calibration of the gamma array and beam optics study of DRAGON (2 beam-weeks) a) 10 pnA at 0.75 MeV/u b) >1 pnA at 0.25 MeV/u (or could be Ne or C beam) 3. Use of 13C beam to do p,gamma studies as setup for E805 (1 beam-week). Preferred time March 24-28. 1 pnA or higher. 4. Use of 20Ne/21Ne beam to test use of ion chamber for E811 (3 beam-days). 5. Do study of 12C(alpha,gamma) with beam of about 100 ppA. (4 beam-weeks). 6.Use of 20Ne beam for TUDA tests (4 beam-days) Preferred time: late May/early June Note: 2b uses Wobbler; other DRAGON runs w/ gas target. Half-day needed to change to/from Wobbler from/to gas target L. Buchmann J.M. D'Auria U. Greife J. King D. Hutcheon A. Laird