Minutes of February 11, 2003 DRAGON meeting Present: JDA DH DO (recorder) JR SE CN SB DG AB AL AO CW LB CJ Minutes of February 4th accepted without change. Status Reports DH Target wheel. The square wheel version has been mocked up as a model and works admirably well. However, due to psychological resistance a chain drive version is being designed. The target ladder is for solid targets for the 12C(12C,gamma)24Mg experiment. Faraday Cup, needs lathe work and completion time will be known today. Beam profile monitor, the cable is complete and will need to be pulled into place this week. HV Conditioning, on initial test seems to be working as specified, increasing in 20V steps. CCD camera, still awaiting permanent software, operates in sequence mode, will give profiles but calulation of centroids etc needs modification. CN Website. There is a new forum message board available 10 people have registered so far. People need to click on the subscribe button. There was discussion of the need for password controls. Non Triumf people to access the DAQ will need passwords. It was decided to add pictures of the collaborators to the website. AO The data acquisition system has been moved to ISDAQ04. MIDMES01 continues to handle the front end stuff only. JDA Stable Beam request has been submitted to JMP. (attached) There are presently tests of 12C 2+ beam to test how long the stripper will last. DG Gamma ray efficiency. 4 options talked about. 1. 3X3 NaI and published curves to calibrate our sources. 2. 16O(alpha,gamma) published data using 5.5MeV gamma and 1.2 MeV cascade. 3. Calibrate at low energy and trust GEANT to extrapolate to high energy. 4. Transport our BGO to a Van de Graaff and use their techniques to get an intrinsic efficiency. CW Practise talk for WRNC "DRAGON Focal Plane Detector System"