Present: CR (recorder) DF, CV, JC, GR, DAH, PM, LB, AH, DFO 1.Alpha acceptance tests (JP & DFO). Strip detector was cleaned causing leakage current to drop. This combined with cooling resulted in leakage current of 140 nA which is a reasonable value for such a detector. A plot of x-y hit pattern was shown for the detector position upstream of MD1. This looked like a circular plateau with steep edges (see attached plot). Two of the pumping tubes were in for this data set. The energy distributions look consistent with what is expected for this source (Gd). When the source (at the gas target centre) was rotated, the distribution changed, implying that the activity is not perfectly centred on the source disc. DFO showed the new drawings for the small pumping tubes and confirmed that from the perspective of a point source at z=0, the tubes confine to a half-angle of no less than 22 mrad. This needs to be checked against GEANT (in progress). 2. 12C(a,g)16O (LB). After the latest check on the analysis, Catalin had forwarded a new total S-factor plot which no longer agreed well with the ERNA data, even at the lower energy 4+ resonance. This was the result of Catalin using updated efficiencies. The deficit in our data w.r.t ERNA shows a systematic trend, worse at low energies. It is of concern that either this is something incorrect in the analysis (e.g. wrong simulation estimates of efficiencies) or a problem with the acceptance of DRAGON unable to be simulated by GEANT. The immediate action for this is to get the results from the alpha acceptance tests to determine the true geometric and optic acceptance values for the separator. This will be backed up by scrutinizing the simulation for possible differences from reality. 3. 26Al(p,g)27Si draft (CR). A first draft has been circulated to a few people. Once this draft has been given initial comments, and Jordi Jose has added some results of hydro calculations, then the second draft will be circulated collaboration-wide. The results of Jordi's model in its latest incarnation are as yet unpublished which will lend weight to the Letter. 4. 22Na: 'The Rolfs Effect'(GR). In the valiant attempt to explore the strange, probably non-existent world of low temperature lifetime modification of radioactive isotopes implanted in metal foils, GR presented the resuts of the 22Na implanted Al tests. The expected 10% effect predicted at LN2 temperatures was not observed. Instead all that was seen was purely statistical fluctuation in the rate measurement at the level of 1%. Through Fermi-potential calculations GR was able to determine that huge screening potentials would be require to explain the type of effect predicted by Rolfs (ie. 40%). This would be equivalent to 'switching off' the Coulomb potential, therefore requiring potentials of the order of MeV! 5. 21Na paper from Cybele's work. The branching ratio results in this work are taken from the gamma0-gamma1 data from the high-energy resonances in 21Na(p,g). The results, although using DG's photopeak efficiencies for detection of single gamma rays, do not seem to mention the calculation of efficiencies using GEANT cascade schemes. It needs to be checked if this is important. This will be put on next weeks agenda to give everyone time to reread.