Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting 5 Feb., 2008 Present: DAH,CAD,LB,CV,CR,GR,UH,DO,PM, The Minutes of the previous meeting were not disapproved. (I like this format - CR) 1) Hardware Modification of lead shield, done, but needs to be painted Jobs in the Wokshop will be finished next week -- but there was a problem with the hole spacing on the collar -- this was discovered and fixed. Progress on other jobs as well. Conflat flanges arrived yesterday. Ready to involve beamlines group. 2) Acceptance/GEANT Original GEANT alpha transmission 85(2)% Some changes to Q1 & Q2 vertical position: reduces transmission but then transmission is actually improved with stronger steering. Once system is under vacuum again, go back to acceptance measurements. Source position vs. steering. CR will discuss later what the plan should be. CR: al & Mg as beam (GB); 10 shifts for DRAGON? Begin run as early as April? 3) Pepper pot for gas target to provide a means of normalization. Combination of fine meshes and micr-porous material. micro- porous material has 1-20 um hole size and is 10 um thick. Each foil is a factor of 10 attenuation. But foils would melt in beam --> so use meshes, but with random orientation, also lots of scattering. But only the scattering from the last mesh woul contribute. Use pepperpots at low energy beam? 4) CV discussed many talks heard at the ``Workshop of Astronomy with Radioactivity'' (Bavaria, sponsored by Max Planck Institute). 40 particpants. SN modelling talks. Differing mechanisms for explosion, multiple processes discussed. X-ray burst stars. 44Ti coming from high velocity region where Fe is seen. 511 keV from inner disk -- hot low-mass binaries.