Minutes of DRAGON meeting Feb 5 2002 Present DH MC PM SE SB LB RA DO (recorder) 1. Status of Stable Beam Run in progress. There are limited results to date because of repairs of old power supplies and controls problems. However we now have a MD1 energy calibration using the 1160 keV/u resonance of 20Ne. This result is consistent within 0.1 percent with our previous 259 keV/u calibration. One problem is that the ISAC energy using the Prague Magnet calibration is 10 keV/u higher than ours. Speculation of reasons for this include perhaps saturation at the Hall probe location and the known problem when the Hall range is changed from 2 to 20 Kg. We think our calibration is more reliable. 2. This weeks plans. Work will continue on the yield measurement on the 20Ne 1160 keV/u resonance. Several energies will be used to determine a full yield curve. Maintenance will be possibly delayed from wed to thurs or friday. The 'L' bracket for OLIS to allow Magnesium beams awaits completion in the machine shop. Its delivery will determine the maintenance day. Another item for installation if it is here is a new elastic monitor silicon detector from Perkin-Elmer Ortec via Gamble Technologies. It was due here on Jan 30th but is lost somewhere. Next will be a switch to 21Ne at 259 keV/u. This resonance has a wide cone angle and will be used for leaky beam studies. Next then will be 24Mg beams with yield and energy measurements using 4 resonances. 3. Publications There was a discussion of the order of papers to be published. A.O.'s proposal for a publication board was not met with enthusiasm. Papers on the charge distribution, gas target and gamma array etc. should be ordered to allow references of detail of each to be referred to rather than repeated in each paper. However it was suggested that it is better to have something written down in the wrong order than to have nothing written in the right order. ....