DRAGON meeting minutes dec 16th 2003 Present: JR, MT, JDA, NC, BD, CR, DG, AO, LB, AH, MPP, PM, ML (Recorder) JDA: New Turbo pump to be placed downstream of gas target to help out with pumping when the larger aperatures are in has arrived. DO: will install the new pump and look into updating the vacuum system. i.e. epics controls. DAH: Everything is now off, there was a problem with epics which turned off the EDs and didn't allow them to come back on. The EDs are on now and are conditioning. LB: Since we wont beam until at the earliest mid febuary, now would be a good time to take out the quadrupole mass sensing device in ED1. This could be very useful for TUDA. MT: What is the status of the increased hard drive for the data acquisition system? Peter Machule may already have the drive but needs to coordinate this with Konstaintin. JR: Needs to use the data acquisition system over the next few days, thus it might be a good idea to wait until the new year to put the drive in. JR: Joel is retiring on Jan 30th, his repacement is coming sometime in the new year and needs to be shown calibration techniques which only Joel knows. AH: Gives a presentation on the work he and AO have been doing with the new silicon dE-E detector. Two alpha sources were used to test the detector. 148Gd and 241Am which have 3.183 and 5.486 (5.443) MeV alpha energies. See attachments. The E resolution for the Am is about 1% (fig:am_energy) and that of the dE is 20%. Small low energy bump in Am E spectrum may be the 5.443 MeV line. The long tail of fig "am_e-de_s2", which shows delta energy vs. energy, is a source effect i.e. straggling thru a thin window. The Gd gives ~ 2% E resolution(pg4-6). There is some strange "stuff" on the high energy side of the 3.183 alphas,the E-dE plot best illustartes this (fig: "gd_e-de_s2"). The company can build a detector with a total area of 16mmx16mm (current silicon detector is 50mmx50mm), thus size is a problem. JDA: Would like to study the detector with a stable beam, in the end this setup could be used as a replacement for the MCP-PGAC-IC system. AH: Of course results would be much better with higher Z particles. NC progress report: NC looking at the 12C(12C,g)24Mg gamma data. She will write up a report which includes the astrophysical importance of this reaction along with some of her results from the data. MT progress report: The initial GEANT simulation had a symmetric target which had to be changed. The final pumping tube was not even inculded in the simulation. Front end may have to be rewritten. AO: An aperature may suffice. CR: Right now the gamma distribution is a quadrupole (butterfly). JR: Should really change this to look at the 90 degree gammas since theyre the ones which could give us an acceptance problem. JDA: We need a separate meeting for the GEANT simulation studies where a more layout path is plotted. JDA: shows a the 22Mg yield curve by done by DAH, see attachment "21Nayield" (hollow circles). The plotted energy is that of the beam before the gas target. The point at 1131 KeV/u was a run at 8+ while all others were at 9+, thus an estimate of the charge state fraction of 22Mg must be made if this point is to be included. The second curve (x's) illustartes where the resonance energy occurs. An estimate is that This should be half way up the curve (~1156KeV/u) minus the gas target thickness to the elastic monitor (~5KeV/u). MT has been assigned to do a more through analysis which may be used to put in the next paper to be published soon. AO: questions publishing due to a lack of data points further off the centroid of the resonance. LB: says we can use the TUDA data from PHD thesis by CR which includes the width of the resonance. JDA: Initiates discussion of our plans and priorities for 2004. We need to ask for both stable and radioactive beam. JR: New stable beam is better than old radioactive beam. JDA: There is the possibility of 26Al , the 26Al is already made, in this case the target would need to be heated to extract the Al. The proton beam would not be needed resistive heating would do the trick. JDA: Radioactive Ne beam could also be run with a Silicon-Carbide target. Also both 12C reactions are still on the table (12C(a,g) and 12C(12C,g)). After much discussion 26Al will be the top priority pending the results of the 8Pi results. JDA: What would we do if his proposal of using the old TISOL ECR and the TR-13 to produce 13N etc. was accepted. If this proposal goes through then we will reconvine to discuss the plan.