Minutes of DRAGON Meeting held December 10, 2002 Present: L.Buchmann, J.D'Auria, S.Engel, D.Gigliotti, D.Hutcheon,D.Jenkins, A.Laird, P.Machule, A.Olin, D.Ottewell, J.Rogers (recorder), C.Wrede, S.Bishop(late) 1. Minutes of last meeting were accepted without comment. 2. Post mortem of just-ended beam run - The run was successful except for a few computer glitches. A feature of the yellow pages on isdaq04 is that if isdaq04 does not boot (as it did not due to a disk mount problem), isdaq03 can't be used by dragon either, though tuda still works since it's yellow pages are on isdaq03. 3. PRL paper on Shawn's thesis data - A.Olin asked for a discussion of errors, especially charge-state fraction, gamma efficiency, and dE/dx. J.Rogers claimed that the beam normalization errors also need discussing. 4. Gamma array efficiency - D.Gigliotti showed a comparison of his GEANT simulation for a 3-inch NaI cylinder with published simulations by Marion and Young. The agreement was within 5% across the energy range from 0.5 to 10 MeV, which gives us some confidence that our simulations are OK. Art Olin said he wanted to see data to back up the BGO simulations. J.Rogers countered that the GEANT simulation should be good enough for the PRL paper. S.Engel suggested using 3.5 MeV gamma rays from stable beam data for which the H-singles to Coincidence ratio gives the overall gamma array efficiency. 5. 12C(a,g)16O data analysis - J.Rogers presented data analysis of the recent data at 1066 keV/u resonance, which decays by 2-gamma cascade. The Midas Analyzer was modified to bin the data by gamma angle, which showed that the first-gamma (4.5 MeV) has approximately the expected shape (see attachment), as presented yesterday by L.Buchmann to the EEC. The angular distribution depends critically on the gamma detector efficiency as a function of angle, as opposed to the earlier yields which depend only on the efficiency as a function of z-position. 6. Requests for stable beam running - Starting in February 2003, stable beam will be available. The DRAGON users are requested to forward individual requests to J.D'Auria for finalization the first week of 2003. RIB will not be available until March, and the ECR source not for some months after that. 7. Awakening the DRAGON - Sabine Engel rehearsed her talk to be presented tomorrow at the TRIUMF Annual General Meeting. She will talk for 20 minutes on facility development followed by Shawn Bishop for 20 minutes on 21Na(p,g)22Mg and the Na-Ne cycle in novae.