DRAGON meeting 9 Dec 2008 present: DO, DH, CR, LB, PM, UH (rec) * power down - all biases are switched off - all NIM crates on the heavy ion side are off - all optics except for the EDs are off - cryos and turbos are off - gas target off - IC under vacuum but not pumped * EPICS problem - elements on optics page 2 could not be turned off using EPICS * BCM2 problem - lower left plate reads lower current for centred beam * Na21 run - beam was tuned through to ED1 - ED1 could not be brought up to the required voltage for charge state 10 - beam was centred manually on the mass slits to match the recoil position - runs were taken with ED1 at nominal value, and ED1 at +/- 1% - results overview: Run# ED1 FC4 (epA) FCCH Time NaICts HPGeCts Live NaIEff HPGeEff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19668 0% 183+/-2 14+/-1 692 1855 N/A 0.96 (3.2+/-0.3)e-7 N/A 19669 -1% 167+/-4 14+/-1 472 1319 N/A 0.97 (3.4+/-0.2)e-7 N/A 19670 +1% 167+/-1 13+/-1 685 2427 2856 0.99 (4.5+/-0.3)e-7 (2.7+/-0.2)e-4 19671 0% 169+/-1 14+/-1 685 1984 2832 0.99 (3.3+/-0.2)e-7 (2.4+/-0.1)e-4 - +1% has the highest NaI efficiency - DH found the NaI/S7 ratio to be consistent - getting an absolute efficiency for S7 would be difficult and is not necessary * dragonroot - was compiled on trcomp but does not run - problems with root and rootana versions - needs cleaning up, GR will look into it * Na22 - DO, CR met with Collin, Jow Mildenberger and Friedhelm - an oxygen percentage meter will be needed - controlled access for target change - a camera has been installed - current integrator is implemented in DRAGON EPICS under diagnostics: Integrator ILTIOC, the current is resent when the IOC is restarted -> take regular notes of current - attach current source to the Faraday cup cable to check the integrator