Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 9 December 2003. Present: Art Olin (AO), Cybele Jewett (CJ), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), John D'Auria (JDA), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Marcello Pavan (MMP), Mike Lamey (ML), Nicole Chorney (NC), Visitor from China - W. Liu, Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Corrections to Previous Minutes: Unknown, since no one was able to read them as circulated. Perhaps JDA can try sending them again. [Ed - Text format is preferred! Please!] 2. (Ongoing) Run Summary: JDA - The BEST ever Na21 Beam!! Much jubilation, then puzzlement as to why it didn't happen sooner... DH - Bob Laxdal (BL) can now tune much better. CCD camera is a huge, appreciated tuning aid. By adjusting HEBT Q7, BL was able to minimize spill as monitored by S7. Running at higher energies (1.15 MeV/u and thereabouts) is easier to tune, get 10^9 on our target, get rid of tail, reduces spill. JDA - Have negotiated for one last shift at 23:00 tonight. What to do? ML - EARLY back-of-the-envelope results from past 2 days... Plot of relative Yield vs. Energy [Attachment1] OmegaGamma ~3 meV, disagrees slightly with JDA's estimate. We have 4 points. Where do we want to add more tonight? JR - Has the beam charge fraction been included? ML - Yes for OmegaGamma, not for yields. Yields are just a quick estimate. CJ/DH - Show EARLY gamma plots. Sharp spike at ~6 MeV. Peaks that correspond to known transitions to first excited state, ground state. All preliminary. Some puzzlement as to "where we are"... Background is ~40 Hz, Background + Beam is ~60 Hz S7 rate is < 1000 Hz now (very good!) Much discussion ensues and in the end agree on trying for 3 points in this order: 1. 1.14 MeV/u 2. 1.135 MeV/u 3. 1.12 MeV/u ML will be on shift and use his judgement. 3. Future Desires: JDA - Beam request forms for radioactive beam next year will need to be submitted soon. What do we want to do? Al26? Maybe Ne19 because the ECR source will probably be installed. Do we want to use it? LB - TUDA has decided not to ask for anything. Discussion... Need to think about it! More Na21? Is O15 still important? DH - Stable beam schedule for January onwards is now starting to be flushed out. The demand for stable beam is increasing. Most likely beam will be available in March... 4. AOB: JDA - DRAGON Christmas meeting next week. JDA - New CO-OP student, Joshua Slater, begins in January.