Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 6 December 2005. Present: Chris Ruiz (CR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Jac Caggiano (JAC), John D'Auria (JDA), Jonty Pearson (JEP), Lisa Fogarty (LF), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Marcello Pavan (MMP), Peter Machule (PM), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Previous minutes. Few comments on the previous minutes, but JDA wants CV to follow up on having ISAC test the "longer-lifetime" stripper foils. 2. DRAGON Hardware: JDA/DH/JEP Discuss the DAQ timing issues. This affects our normalization because the histogram bin widths are not exactly 2 seconds wide (~5% fluctuations). Best guess is that it is a Midas issue. JEP will talk with Konstantin. CV - Ion chamber is working really well. PM - Fan on Roots blower needs to be fixed. 3. Status of E1024 CV presents updated overhead of Yield versus E_lab (rough on-line analysis!). We see strength in previously-unmeasured E gaps which can account for the discrepancy between previous strength measurements in the literature. We still need to measure the charge state distribution of Ca at lower energies since it varies as a function of energy. Some of the SiN foils (used for CSB) appear to degrade with time (small holes) as evidenced by tails in MD1 scans. Plan is to continue measurements to lower energies from current position of ~870 keV/u and to measure the charge state distribution of Ca. Keerthi has some Ti to allow us to measure its charge state distribution at a later date. 4. Status of E989 Anuj will be arriving this weekend for a minimeeting on Monday to discuss the state of the analysis. Report will be presented at next DRAGON group meeting. Charge state distribution measurements of Si slated for next week. 5. Status of 12C(a,g) LB gives thorough electronic presentation of status of analysis. Results are very promising and are in agreement with ERNA paper available at LANL. He is in the process of completing a paper. 6. Plans for 2006 JDA - Rumours indicate the FEBIAD will be the first ion source available next year for running in April-May. Hopes of producing a Ne beam... The OLIS ECR may be available in June which could be used for 17O and further 12C running. The on-line ECR is designed, many parts have been ordered and are under construction. Optimistic plans are to test it by the summer...