Minutes for DRAGON Meeting Tuesday August 30th 2005. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present: DH, CV, MT, GR, DO, LF, BW, HC, LB, AO, PM, JP(recorder) Corrections to previous minutes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The date was incorrect. isdaq04 was not replaced, only the data disk. Not all data was recovered from tape, only the 20Ne data. Hardware: ~~~~~~~~~ DO - FCM bias, appears to be nothing wrong. PM has been asked to take a look. FC seems OK, suppression ring also seems to be OK. Internal cables also seem to be OK too. PM - (Arrives late.) Possible flaky wire connection noticed but problems only seen intermittently. Replacement connection to be made. DO - Iris has been designed and almost complete, very nice 3d solid computer-model. Parts costing $2000US are required. Iris costs $50CA. Iris has XY adjustment outside of vacuum, and there is control on opening too. 1 feed-through does both X and Y control. DO - Talked to Dave Morris concerning XSLITM, the stepping motors do not go to the correct position. Requested quote on feedback mechanism so correct slit position can be determined. Epics does not have independent feedback to allow external inputs. Could be costly and want to feed this into Epics. Tests performed were not extensive so no problems were seen. 22Na(p,g): ~~~~~~~~~~ LF - Ge and NaI gamma-ray detector tests (see slides attached). High energy tail apparent in some of the slides seems to be a bit of a mystery (present in spectra with and without paddle). Concern as to whether electronics has been setup correctly for measurements. 26Al(p,g): ~~~~~~~~~~ DH - Angular correlations (see slides attached). For case with 3 gammas, there is not much change from having no correlation. Idea is to use code to create usable input for GEANT simulation. Frontiers: ~~~~~~~~~~ JP - Talks were generally good. DRAGON had a good write-up in Jeff Blackmon's talk. Tried to find out more on Notre Dame's proposed separator but was unsuccessful in gaining much information. AOB: ~~~~ DH - Move meeting time on Tuesdays to 2pm. Currently 17 clashes so possibly need to find another venue. Nuclear physics course is 1 semester long, held twice a week. AO - Draft brief should be discussed at the next meeting. JP requests brief in text not doc format.