Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 29 August 2006. Present: Ahmed Hussein (AH), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Evan O'Conner (EOC), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Peter Machule (PM), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Previous minutes: To be distributed. 2. Hardware and business arising: DH - Clean-up after alpha studies... Install the new ceramic tubes. Check heights of DRAGON beamline elements (especially MD1 and MD2). This perhaps can be made easier by removing a section of TUDA beamline for line of sight to the north wall. We have conflicting indications about our target height. DFOT will coordinate with an alignment person (Bruno?, Bruce?). DH - Tracking down the parts for the NaI detectors. Have crystals and PMTs but no bases. Will need PM to fabricate a mounting system that will preserve location/alignment should detectors need to be removed and replaced. CV and GR - The 22Na setup (under the TISOL platform) has borrowed an oscilloscope, pulser, and dual-spec amp. Could still use a good, second Ge detector. Progress has been steady but slow, hampered by cryopump compressor problems and PM's absence. Big question: Does anyone know if we can cool the 60Co source?? 3. Ultimate report on alpha-acceptance studies: EOC has almost completed his workterm report on the alpha-acceptance studies. Once done, it will be placed on the DRAGON website. His five conclusions (clipped from report preview) are: " 1. DRAGON's gas target needs to be re-aligned to insure that the gas target's axis is on axis with the beam coming from ISAC as well as, and possibly more important, the spectrometer axis. This ensures that the best part of the incoming beam interacts with the gas but also ensures that the EMS will receive particles on axis. 2. If possible a system wide survey of the present location of every element in DRAGON would be useful for future referencing if misalignment issue arise. A survey with a theodo-lite concluded that the gas target was high with respect to the beam axis. This is in addition to a report which concludes the gas target is lower then the beam line, [4]. 3. The first three elements in DRAGON need to be studied in more detail and corrected in order to achieve focus at the mass slits. For excellent beam suppression the slits need to be closed as much as possible without clipping any recoils, this can only be done is the recoils are actually at a focus at the slit locations. 4. Further simulations and experiments must be carried out to pinpoint the cause of the asymmetry in the final hit pattern. There are a lot of elements between the mass slits and the final slits so this may require additional detector locations or some alternative means of observing the hit patterns. Due to the nature of the asymmetry, a possible cause of this and a suggestion for simulations would be to test the effect on the hit pattern due to a rotated quadrupole. 5. Although not included as results in this report, it was found that small changes in the ED's voltage can change the hit rate observed at the final slits. The current method of tuning DRAGON's first ED calls for the centering of the beam on the mass slits, the tuning of the final ED center's the hit pattern on the final slits. This method does not agree with the theoretical settings for the electric dipoles. As a example of this, the ray tracing diagrams shown in Figure 3.2 is not centered at the final slits but rather shifted to negative values of x. Since the detector is located 66cm after the focus, this would give a hit pattern shifted to high x values (as in Figure 4.7), not centered as the tuning description calls for. Figure 5.1 shows the transmission at the final slits for varying ED2 voltages, the theoretical value, based on 80% of the ED1 voltage (81.5kV, which was choosen to center the beam at the mass slits), is 65.2 kV. There was no collimator used in these measurements. " EOC will CVS his GEANT changes and we will back up any necessary files to the DRAGON ibm00 account. CV - He and CR will try placing photographic film into the DRAGON beamline to trace trajectories. They will start with seeing how the film responds to a collimated alpha source. 4. 22Na update: DH - Has looked at old photos to try and figure out the spacing of the target mounting screws. Looks like 3/8 x 7/16". DFOT will search for ladder drawings which should show the mounting holes. Seattle has doubts about our plan to have a water-cooled coil mounted on a plate as the cooling for the target holder. We think for 10W this should be okay but plan to test this concept here with a couple of thermocouples and a resistor for heating. PM to source. Seattle also doesn't like the idea of In foil as a heat conductor... 5. Other business: CR's prelim review of possible candidates for future DRAGON studies has been released. Anuj has circulated his 33S(p,g) proposal. Please send comments and commitments.