DRAGON Minutes 24 August 2004 Present: DO, DH, JC, AH, AR, KO, PM, DG, GR, JP, and CJ (recorder). JP: -His laptop died, but he backed it up on Friday, so he recovered all of the data. +He does need a new hard disk. +Peter Machule can probably replace it with a 20 GB hard disk. -The DRAGON ROOT code is now running online. +All of the scalers and gammas are in ROOT. +We can now acquire data in ROOT. Magnet power supplies: -Reineger is away, and nothing appears to have happened. PM: -He will work on testing the Y-SLIT. +It is probably okay. -For ED1 +He is ordering new boards. +About 30+ of the resistors are gone. JC: -He changed the planes to make the PGAC thinner. +The thinner configuration was worse timing. +Changing the anode wires helped the timing. +They are adding a foil plane. +JC installed a weak fission source Cm(Cf), and took a spectrum with it. The result was that the time resolution appears to be better. +The resolution JC obtained with the Cf source, wires, and no foil plane was about 1.2 ns. +The problem with the Cf source is that not all of the fission fragments make it into the scintillator, which acts as the start of the PGAC-scintillator detector. AH: -AH tested a dE-E Si-strip detector, which has 5-strips and a broad strip that sits behind them. -The dead layer between the dE and E strips eats up energy. +AH is going to measure the dead layer thickness. -Most events seem arrive, and cause four or five strips to fire at once, which is bad. +There may be cross talk between the pre-amps in the electronics board. +Most likely, this caused by a faulty board. +Bill Roberts is looking into the problem. +Catania will try to reduce the dead layer thickness. +A method which would resolve the dead layer issue would involve using only dE part of the Catania detector, and some other detector for the E measurement. +An estimate of the dead layer thickness is a fews microns. It could thus even be larger than the dE. Since we need to make low energy measurements, it presents a problem. +JC raised the possibility of an undesired electrical connection between the pads. +The noise level produced by the detector is low, and therefore not the cause of the problem. +Catania can make the detector larger (approximately 3 or 4 strips by 8 strips compared to a DSSSD) DO: -DO reported on plans to improve the gas handling system of the IC. +Robert Oppenshaw has returned. +They are installing interlocks and automated valves to prevent the ionization chamber window from bursting. +Some valves will be removed. +DH recommended submitting an REA. +Limiting the pumping speed is the key to preventing a window from rupturing. +DO is going to try to create separate pump up and pump down pages for the same gas-handling devices. +PM suggested adding hardware switch to indicate DSSSD vs ion chamber mode. AR: -Their 12C(a,g) analysis involved simulating the data in GEANT, and fitting the data to the 3.439 MeV and 6.917 MeV peaks with the purpose of looking at BGO efficiencies. +The 6.917 MeV peak shifted from crystal to crystal. +Three runs went into their analysis. +Charge state distribution measurements were only done for the 5+ and 6+ charge states, and thus a charge state fraction of 10% was assumed for the other charge states. +DG said that the gains of the BGOs can drift over a day or over weeks. There is no general trend in the BGOs' gain shift behavior. +A discussion of how to improve the Gaussian fit to the peak data ensued. +DH: We want to be able to subtract the tails of high energy gamma ray peaks from the peaks of low energy gamma rays.