Minutes of DRAGON meeting August 22, 2006 Present: JZ, DH (recorder), DO, EOC, CR, CV, MT 1. Minutes of previous meeting - no changes noted 2. Hardware DH The third ceramic tube passed its vacuum test last week. The entire set have tested successfully and payment approved. We should install them at the next opportunity (after alpha source work is done and key people back from vacation). This should leave time to test up to 200kV well before any use of DRAGON in the (yet to be circulated) Fall beam schedule. After alpha acceptance work stops, the Final slit box region should be checked for leaks because vacuum when section is isolated and pumped by its turbo seems higher than in the past. 3. Alpha acceptance measurements EOC Measurments of transmission from Charge focus to Final detector position with the "standard" tune and selecting rays (roughly 15-21 mrad) are compared with GEANT simulation: Up Down Left Right All Measured 98 89 53 39 70 Simulation 84 97 94 53 83 (Note: Left,Right are looking _upstream_ towards the source; simulation is with the source height adjusted to best match the heights observed on the DSSSD 4cm behind the Charge focus.) Present measurements are with the source moved 2mm up, which centres the (average) height at the Charge slits. On average, the height at the Final focus is now centred but the vertical position still is seen to vary with the initial horizontal angle. When Q1 is reduced 5% from the "standard" value, the focus in both x and y shifts downstream to the design position at the Ch slits. In the very beginning of DRAGON commissioning it was found that the Q1 strength had to be increased 10% from the nominal (EPICS readback?) value, but the connection with the "standard" Q1 setting now seems questionable. Suggested future measurement (Evan leaves us at the end of August) is to see if the new source height results in distributions at the Mass slits which can be explained in GEANT. Action items arising from the alpha study: - survey; height of MD1 vs mark on S-wall column - add markers to magnets for future comparisons using TOTAL system - look into photographic film for alpha study where envelope becomes large in the second stage of the separator 4. 22Na(p,g) - DH produced a RAD (ruler-assisted design) sketch of 'innards' for comment by UW collaborators - JZ estimated heat load on items at LN2 temperature. With black-body emissivity the radiative heating would be about 60W and the 2-litre LN2 tank would last only 1.5 hours -> tank,tube surfaces need to be low-emissivity. - CR has made a CAD figure of the target holder and a cooling plate. He will consult with DO on best size of threaded holes for attaching the cooling plate or rods for carrying the 22Na target. - DO has talked to Clive Mark (remote handling) about indium for improved thermal contact. CM has no coil, not foil, material but thinks coil could be pressed flat into a foil. Action: look into commercial availability/price of In foil 5. Improved pumping at the gas target JZ presented calculations for a compact pumping geometry aimed at accepting recoils in a 30-mrad half-angle, with space made free for quads closer to the target or for a gas post-stripper. Three designs were shown, with central target lengths of 6 or 10 cm and requiring no new pumps or requiring 1-2 additional turbopumps. The compact design requires that 4 turbos be attached left/right/top/bottom on a common support box to match their large flange diameters to the short distances between pumping tubes. Although many design details would have to be worked out (clash with BGOs? use of SiN CSbooster?) there at least is a solution in principle to the pumping issues. Ion optics studies are the next thing to examine, in order to decide if an upgrade to larger acceptance is worthwhile. 6. A possible 25Mg(p,g)26gAl experiment CV 89 resonances were considered in the NACRE compilation, with direct measurements having been made down to a resonance at 189 keV. Recent AMS studies agree with the gamma work for several resonances, but not for the 189-keV one (factor 5 disagreement), which is in the Gamow window for novae. A lower rate for this reaction means lower production of 26gAl. The NACRE strength corresponds to a yield of 2.5E-15, for a DRAGON detection rate of 1 per hour at beam intensity 100 (p)nA. This would present DRAGON with new challenges in beam suppression, particle ID but is comparable to the yield suggested for the 15O(a,g)19Ne proposal, for example. The AMS experiment may be repeated? LUNA may try a non-inverse measurement? The ECR on OLIS would definitely be needed. We need to lobby to get the ECR installation project off 'hold', for experiments such as O-17(p,g) and new reactions such as this one or 33S(p,g). 7. Other business, future agendas - CR will try to distribute a report on his study of candidate reactions before he takes a few days off, with a view to making a presentation for the meeting of September 5th.