August 15th RAGON Meeting Minutes In attendance: DO DH CV MT CR GR PM EOC(recorder) Corrections to previous minutes: 1. 22Na, adding more detectors would increase efficiency without increasing pile-up 2. Quad movement, hesitation/doubts arise not only in moving quads but also in trusting new tool (TOTAL system) to assist in quad movement Hardware: 1. Ceramic Tubes: 3/3 are water pressure tested, all passed 2/3 are vacuum and pressure tested with helium. Whats good enough? DH rhymed off calculations involving tolerable pressure rises and ED1 pumping speeds, resulting in the acceptable leak rates being several orders of magnitude (~3) higher than the 'standard UHV' spec on the blueprint. Detected leaks are from bolt holes and plates only, not through ceramic itself and rates are below what should be acceptable. Assuming the last one performs similar to first two in the vacuum and pressure tests, consensus is that all three pass the tests. Payment is overdue but under control. 2. Surveying Quad positioning/verification can only be done to +/- 2mm with existing setup. MT re-iterates the benefit of surveying Dragon now (something that was not done in the beginning) for future dates. PM notes that ISAC I hall has seen movements. Example: When the RFQ was being installed a (18/1000 in) height difference between the beginning and end was noticed, PM will get more numbers to see how Dragon is affected. Alpha Studies: EOC shows transmissions varying various collimator's presence. Key result is that the exit collimator on the target box does not affect the transmission whereas removing the first pumping tube does. Transmission rates appear to be more symmetric (as expected but not as observed with first pumping tube in place). Future measurement include moving the source up to try and remove some observed effects at the charge slits (Effects do not go away by removing collimators). With regards to previous discussion on gas target alignment, logbook says (beginning of Book #3) gas target (after de-inversion) is high and west, contrary to expected based on observations at charge slits. A summary will be included in EOC's summer end report. Other Business: 0. Take students to lunch, Tuesday of next week at Burgoo, 10th and 4400 block (between Sasamat and Trimble). 1. 22Na(p,g), target holder and chamber are being designed and are near draft phase, plans will be sent to UW for comments. To accommodate cyropump, a gate value is needed in chamber design. DH is discussing other issues with UW. 2. Elog, CR suggests possibly having Dragon minutes in TRIUMF elog for easy searching. It was mentioned that this is possible with the .txt minutes if access to IBM00 is available. 3. 22Na decay, Germanium detectors (small and large) are kaput it is thought. Another (with one more on the way) has been borrowed from Paul Delheij. 4. Upcoming Dragon meeting topics, 25Mg(p,g) and 33S(p,g) are being investigated as possible reactions. CV has agreed to present some details on 25Mg(p,g) next meeting. 5. It was mentioned that some data had to be retrieved from tapes, this lead to discussion of possible storage on something a bit easier to use, DVDs are an obvious choice. DAQ has some reservations when approached about it. DVD's are much cheaper as well. PM informed us that Dragon already has DVD burner in its possession.