DRAGON MEETING Tues Aug 9 10:45 Board Room Attending : Strasbourg group, DFOT, DH, JC, AO, LB, JP, Dieter Frekers, PM, GR, CR, MT, MMP, students 1. Report from Strasbourg group - 16O + 12C -> 28Si + g at 1.25 MeV/u is giving about 400 recoils per hour. There are more singles gammas than in the previous 12C + 12C experiment, and the beam current has been limited to 10 particle-nA (20% dead-time) compared to 40 p-nA for the earlier exp't. - there is a strong peak at gamma energies 10-11 MeV, which was not seen in earlier work by Sandorfi - have moved to a second, slightly-higher, off-resonance beam energy - lost about 5 hr due to failure of polarity switch on HEBT:XCB6 and several hours due to a DAQ problem [network outage?] - BGO gains have been observed to drop roughly 10% from the initial calibration of ~30 keV/channel. - many of the 12C targets from ANL have small holes in them. - next will be to do mass scans with 13C and SiO2 targets. 2. E989 Progress CR a) Benji showing progress in his ROOT tree analysis. basically setting up the analysis machinery CR points out that entire date set can be processed in <1min, rather than 30 in the old days lots of discussion about just how the analysis package works JP points out that all the various code functions to do things like determine ion momentum are listed on the DRAGON operator information website (maybe under DragonRoot) lots of discussion about "learning curve" with new software. age-old issue that I won't bore you with. [images from Benji] b) Heather showing latest results of normalization studies issue with runs (approx) 14990-15030 where DSSSD was changed - not clear what is going on - will be treated differently for "good" runs, norm error ~11% (much larger ~25% for 'yellow' runs) R values for good runs 1375+-15 chi^2=62/54 using ROOT fitting [images from Heather] c) CR shows plot of DSSSD energy vs Run Number - alpha contamination peak same position after DSSSD change BUT other peaks shifted ==> transmission change (?) CR showed plots of "probability" analysis - upshot is that the MCP is useful in this run CR states that next step is to repeat the above with ROOT d) DH states that after meeting with Vijay and Stu, a plan is in place for a designer to work on an "iris" aperture to remove the ~1% of leaky beam bothering the BGOs e) DH made one "tiny" step towards angular correlation work 3. 22Na report by JC a) a crew will head to Seattle tomorrow to check things out b) JC reports that 2 shifts of implantation runs will happen in October (if draft beam schedule holds) c) chamber is built and ready for use at UW 4. New business: a) JC said that solution to "NMR-not-locking" problem due to overheating electronics is to open door to rack to let it cool b) DH gives agaenda items for next meeting: prep. for 40Ca(a,g) run, status of 20Ne(p,g) analysis and of 11C analysis. meeting adjourned at noon