DRAGON MEETING MINUTES 01/08/2006 Present: PM,GR,EoC,JZ,CV,MT,CR(rec),DH 1. Previous minutes accepted. 2. Charge-state distribution paper has been submitted to NIM. 3. Hardware. o Ceramic tubes for HV are being tested by PM. Doing pressure tests up to 60psi in DRAGON area. o We have 3 tubes altogether. o Have been working on same one for 5 days as seems to have a small leak - rises ~1psi/hour. o No signs of cracks or fatigue. o Tubes are not elastic, and problem could be temperature related. o Manufacturers expect payment 30 days from delivery, so if there is a problem we need to diagnose it within ~2 weeks. 4. Acceptance o Evan shows slides of y-distribution at mass slits with asymmetry in exp. wrt simulation. o This asymmetry can be reproduced by either a) moving Q1 in sim up 1mm, or b) moving source in sim down by 2mm. o Suggests possible gas-target or other misalignment in reality. o Problem is in the 'left' direction looking downstream (all other directions agree fairly well with simulation). o Need to look up Dave O's numbers for gas-target misalignment see if they make sense. o Suggested to move source up by 2mm in reality to see if the exp. gives same as 'ideal' simulation (would immediately diagnose target misalignment). o Also suggested that it is time we did a beamline alignment survey of DRAGON. PM will talk to Bruno about this. 5. Student symposium tomorrow, Evan and Joel will talk. We will be there for support. 6. 22Na(p,g) o Had mini-meeting last week with DH,CV,MT,CR,GR. o Some new ideas for chamber design presented. o Chamber will have cooling shroud inside - target will not see any 'warm' surfaces. o CR will take existing drawing of ISAC box chamber and add design ideas. o MT believes NaOH will be formed by mobile Na. o Dave H circulated note about precision issues etc: ideas needed to determine density distribution of implanted Na. Rutherford backscattering suggested? o Very soon need a written procedure for performing the experiment. 7. Other o Gotz talked about Rolfs article in 'Physics World'. o He has drafted 'mini-proposal' letter to JMP asking for time and means to do a cryogenic 22Na lifetime experiment. o CR has extension on 26Al article for NICIX - 10th August.